What? No burpees? Murph?

10 pax left disappointed that we didn't do a single burpee at The Berean. Here is their story:



Mosey down to the movie theatre



Downward dog

Calf stretches

Runners pose

Hip circles – both directions

Pigeon holds

Hamstring stretch

Hip/Glute stretch

Butterfly stretch

Toy soldier x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC

Carrot puller x 10 IC


Mosey back to Starbucks


  • Most of the pax was very concerned that we would be running 5 miles, doing The Murph, or some ridiculous number of burpees…no faith in YHCs ability to Q a recovery session apparently
  • Strong work to all of the teams at BRR…such an awesome weekend every year
  • Prayers for those that had injuries this past weekend or are dealing with tough situations…specifically Deebo
  • Prayers for Earl Gray…excited for you brother
  • Thanks to Dingo for the opportunity to Q at The Berean. Thanks to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. There is no weekend that is more on display than the BRR. So many words of encouragement help to fuel everyone throughout the weekend to do something great. It was awesome to see so many pax running hard and enjoying in such great fellowship. Finally, thanks to the F3 Goatbusters that continue to inspire accountability & fellowship in each other. Congratulations to all of the pax that ran this past weekend. Until the next time…