Little Egypt Fun




Sally (Burpees instead of merkins)

Run to the bottom of S Little Egypt (While carrying a 30# ruck plate. One plate passed amongst the PAX)

Once we reach the bottom the ruck plate was placed in the street marking the turnaround point for:


-Bear Crawl

-Crawl Bear

-Burpee broad jump


Run back to the AO (While carrying a 30# ruck plate. One plate passed amongst the PAX)

Once we got back to the AO we enjoyed some parking lot fun:

-Buttkickers up, mosey back

-High Knees up, mosey back

-Karaoke up, mosey back


SALLY (in the shade of a tree, you’re welcome)



-FNG was Shredder’s kid. Hooper.

-2 showed from SVU for the convergence. Not too bad. 2 more than I thought would show up.

-PAX didn’t seem happy about carrying a ruck plate with us. It was to help keep us together and pay respect for our brothers who were rucking over the weekend. Strong performance out of them. Well done guys! As well as the BRR guys. Nice job!

-Fabio and Kaczynski arrived early and had just ran to the bottom of S Little Egypt. Sorry guys. What are the odds?

-Busy day of youth football at ELHS so Mary took place in the shade to avoid being run over in the parking lot.

-Everyone wanted the ruck plate on the way down the hill, not so much on the way back up.

-Talk took place of recycling the names of some OG PAX who haven’t showed up in a while. I won’t name you but you know who you are. If would be great to see your faces again, we miss you.