Moving around The Estate

Event Date

Sep 08, 2018

12 explored the grounds of The Estate and put in a little miles…

Missing a few names from the list that are not in the site, Stars, Stripes, Baller, Honz from Germany and shout out who else I missed

Mosey to back..

SSH x 20

Line jumpes 50 oyo

Mosey on…

Bear crawl

Cotton pickers x 10

Mosey …

Top of soccer field

Imperial storm troopers x 15

Mosey to top of other soccer field

LBC x 15

Mosey to other side of soccer field

Super Man

Mosey to sidewalk near the road

Cheerleader x 10

Partner up…

Partner runs to top of sidewalk and does 10 merkins, partner two does merkins at other end and meet in the middle for handshake merkins

Mosey to green patch between schools

Wheel barrel and then do partner helping hands – wheel barrel back and flip flop

One arm belly slaps – 10 each arm

Mosey to Bradley

Boxer sit-ups x 15

One leg squats x 10 each leg

Bear crawl poles

10 jumps oyo

WWII sit-up 10

Partner suicides with 100 shoulder touch merkins

Mosey to back corner of school

Incline merkins x 5

Decline merkins x 5

Mosey to the never ending hill

Tunnel of love up the hill

To the fence….

Partner assisted pull ups

Mosey to track



First corner – Parker peter

Second corner – Knee ups

Third corner – low dolly

Run lap back to start of track



  • Covered the grounds of the Estate today, it’s a large area, all together, my watch said 2.8 miles

  • Tried to eh some guys at the AO, it’s only a matter of time for we get them out.

  • As always, it’s an honor to lead, thanks Turnpike for the opportunity.