20 men punched the fartsack in the face to honor those that gave their all on this memorable day 17 years ago.  Credited men are noted above including the following: FNG 1=Baller who seems to have not signed up on the website yet, FNG-2=Storm Chaser (fka Richard Carr) who was just named this morning, FNG-3=Chris Petersen his first post.

This is the epic story of what transpired this morning:

4 couldn't resist the idea of flushing post BRR lactic acid build up and got up extra early for the 2.5 mile standard: YHC, Turnpike, T-Bone and Dingo

The others joined in at 0530 for an oh so wonderful THANG: (Overall goal was to introduce firefighter exercises and concepts while also attempting to complete 343 'Mericans to represent the 343 firefighters that gave everything this day 17 years ago)

Run regular, backwards, side shuffles to the principal's parking spot to circle up for an extra extended warmorama:

'Mericans x10ic

SSH x10ic

IST x10ic

'Mericans x10ic

Cotton Pickers x10ic

Apollo Ono x10ic

'Mericans x10ic

Toy Soldier x10ic

Windmill x10ic

Slow Deep Squat x10ic

'Mericans x10ic

Partner Up while moseying to the ONLY STAIRS AT THE ESTATE (sorry, pent up frustration that there weren't more)

Partner 1 carries Partner 2 up the stairs without using the rails (pax were reminded rails are for victims, not heroes), dismount and get back to the bottom, flip flop and repeato x2

'Mericans x10ic

Mosey through the portico while shuffling the columns back and forth to the loading docks

'Mericans x10ic

Right Hand Search along the walls

'Mericans x10ic

Left Hand Search back along the walls

'Mericans x10ic

"Smooth-Bump-Bump to the Pump":  Pax were instructed when a firefighter gets lost in a zero-visibility environment, they can search for the hose on the ground, find a connection point and feel the connection.  Smoothness, then 2 bumps at the connection means you are headed back to the truck and out of the building/danger.  What does that mean in F3?

Line up at the first basketball goal, do 1 burpee and 2 broad jumps, then run to the next basketball goal. Repeato to the last goal.

Once we "Made it to the pump" we had to go back to the nozzle to help put the fire out. "Bump, Bump, Smooth" = 2 Broad Jumps and a burpee, then run to the next goal.

'Mericans x10ic

Mosey to the bottom of middle hill where partners quadraphelia to the top, do 10 'Mericans then one partner carries the other to safety at the sidewalk. Flip Flop, Repeato.

'Mericans x10ic

Reverse Indian Run (no man left behind) 2 lines of pax jogging, first man in line peels to the back and yells for the next man to "Go"

'Mericans x10ic

Mosey to Mary

LBCs x10ic

Low Flutter x10ic

'Mericans x10ic

At this point we were out of time.  It is difficult to honor in the absence of respect.  Therefore, out of respect of their time and family commitments, I left it up to the pax to finish up the remaining 43 or so 'Mericans on their own.  T-Claps to Toxic for leading a few that could stay over to finish off the 343.



-Mumblechatter was aplenty this morning.  There must have been something in the air.  Of course, it could be that I am usually the one dishing it out when someone else is Qing.  It was their time to get me back.

-There was an overabundance of complaining about all the 'Mericans during the warmup.  That is, until I explained the significance and goal of the morning.  It seems that everyone was on board with the idea after that.  T-Claps to T-Bone for knowing what the number 343 stood for.

-Honored to have everyone here this morning.  It has been a while since I have been to a bootcamp.  It was good to see some familiar faces and new ones, too.  I hope I didn't let you down.  YHC is indeed already in pain from the beatdown this morning.

-Welcome to Chris Petersen (hope I'm spelling that correctly) and welcome back Storm Chaser.  It doesn't get easier, but your body does adapt and overcome (AND, it will get cooler and less humid…we're all looking forward to that).  Come back and we all hope to see you soon.

-Remember this day and those that gave their lives.  Remember that not even our next breath is promised to us.  Live every moment to its fullest and keep showing up for each other.

-Privileged to have led this morning.