FNG1 is Nate-Totebag's 2.0 , FNG2 is Mohawk-Loveshack's 2.0, FNG3 is Rusty Hooker-Shambala's 2.0.  These 22 men threw caution to the wind (figuratively and literally) when they burst out of the confines of the fartsack today, as hurricane Florence bore down upon us, with the first of the rains coming last night, and sporatic rains peppering us all night.  But, as is our tradition, the rains mostly stopped for 60 minutes at God's gift the F3RCUSA, The Glen.  As such, a Q was squeezed into this Saturday, the one that was meant to celebrate family and friends here in RC, one that would pay hommage to not only the fine men attending the Q, but also to the storm named after…..well, you'll find out.

Warmups: The Pledge (led by Lear), IC-SSH 20, CDD'S 10, IST'S 15, SLOW MERKINS 10, SQUATS 15, WM'S 10, Mozy to parking lot, high knees, butt kickers R/L karoke, kick steppers, slalom hop parking curbs (74 ft of them). Mozy over to upper parking lot for our Progression.

The Thang: IC-Dips on wall 2, Peter Parkers on wall 2, PROgressive jump squats 2, Pull-ups (single count) 2, Declines 2, Inclines 2, Sit-outs 2.  Back to Dips on the wall, but 4.  Complete the circuit stated above 'progressing' to 6, 8, then 10 as our Capstone.  

Gather at base of steps, bunnyhop up steps, to home base of the upper baseball field. Gather, sprint to 1st base-1burpee, jog back to home base, sprint to 2nd base-2 burpees, jog home, in PROGRESSION, same to 3rd base, and 'home run', adding a burpee each time.  Plank to wait, off to………

Mary: (near flag, but not RIGHT next to it)(IC) Low Flutter 25, Freddie Merc's 10, W's 10, WWII's 15, Mac Target's 10. Recover, recover.


-Special note:  GREAT to see Ticktock out with us again, and prayers were offered up for his daughter Katelyn during COT.  He was a rock, as always!

-HUGE thanks to to Deer Hunter, Nate, Straight Cash, Soul Glo, Totebag, Stroker, Loveshack, Rentacop, and the others that YHC obviously missed.

-SOOOooooooo, as Hurricane Florence tightens her grip on our locale, one 'may' think of Flo….the Flo of Progressive INsurance fame, then one, if left with enough time to ponder, would clearly derive the name for today's Q-Progression.  Hence, both activities involved the simple progression of pain, increasing excercise reps, mounting amounts of …..well, you get the idea.

-Lear had a surprsing handshake today, 'nuff said.

-For some VERY strange reason, rain holds off during F3RCUSA's posts….not sure why.  Literally, it rained off/on all night, was nearly DRY at kickoff and some mild rain greeting us at the finish.  Such a blessing….we are blessed. 

-ONE WEEK from today is the preeminent F3RCUSA Lake Day!!  10-2-skiing, 2-8-party, cookout, swimming, festivities.

-Gents, stay dry, be safe, and see y'all in the gloom!!

-Contra has next week, pre(burpeefest)pare yourself!!!

-Ultimate Football was audibled out of the Q today due to time constraints-which….at times….seem unreasonable.  As such, a request for a 90 minute Q is being sent, via carrier pigeon, to the F3 BOD tomorrow. YHC is hoping Florence doesn't have too much effect this precious bird.

-The COT mentioned Straight Cash Homie and his children, as their Mother's (who passed this past summer) birthday is today.  Strutter's Dad, Chicken Little's friend, and Ticktock's daughter Katelyn were also kept in our thoughts and prayers.