Hill of a good time

Event Date

Sep 17, 2018

4 PAX for the Monday morning fun.  The rest of you were missed.

0530—Disclaimer and let’s go
10 Burpee penalty for no shovel flag…thanks Clark
SSH (IC) x 20
Dippy Birds (IC) x 10 each leg
Jane Fonda’s (IC) x 10 each leg
While we’re down do 22 Merkins OYO
Parking lot lap, and meet back at launchpad
Line up at bottom of parking lot
(Round 1)-Hill sprint to top do 2 hand release merkins, mosey to bottom do 4, repeato til you get to 22
(Round 2)-Quadraphelia up, low squats from 2 to 22
(Round 3)-World’s longest suicide.  Start at islands by tennis courts, run to not set of islands do 1 burpee, back to start, 2 burpees at the 2nd island, 3 burpees at the last set, then 4 burpees back at the start.
Took it up to the top corner of the lot for some free advertising.
Dr. W’s (IC) x 5
Hold plank, low plank, right arm up, left arm up, regular (~45 secs each)
Find those in need and do what you can to help.  With this weekend’s storm that shouldn’t be hard to do.  Do you have extra water align around now?  Find someone who is headed each.  Can you donate?  Does your family/friends need assistance?  Thanks to brother Stitches and his unit as they are out east helping others already.
-Tclaps to Mulligan for the sad clown standard.  
-132 Hand release merkins were a #CrowdPleaser
-Props to Mater to getting out yesterday in the mess training for the BRR AND making it this morning. 
-Pretty sure Diesel just forgot it wasn’t his Q today, but do have to give him credit as YHC had zero plan pulling in and he winged it Diesel style and it felt good.
-Talk of an OTB Mustang Tuesday option leading up to the tub run.  See slack or Mulligan for details.  And there will generally be running on Sunday’s in the Gates and SVU(unless this B&B fiasco shuts them down)
‘Twas a pleasure,