If I’m Jaws, and we worked out in a Hurricane, does that make this a Sharknado?

Event Date

Sep 17, 2018





Most definitely NOT a sharknado.  I shouldn't even suggest it was anything so cruel.  Although I do feel like there was a missed opportunity here… maybe next time there's a storm I need to commandeer a Q…

So last night the M forwarded me some garbage "trivia about hurricanes" thing from Facebook.  First thing I thought… that looks like some great last minute Q content!  One lightning fast copy/paste later and I've got my winkie!

The Main Event: run to the track (gate is open for once!), run a lap… trivia question… correct answer and you get the easy version of the exercise, incorrect and you get the hard version.  Repeated for 9 questions/laps I believe?  Highlights included 50 IC SSH (my feet still hurt) and a bunch of Makhtar N'Diayes on the track.  And that track is a BIT sharp, but it kinda felt great considering my forearms are still covered in ant bites from doing the same exercise at Wilderness last week.

Will share one bit of trivia… you can click on the link below and zoom into your nearest USGS certified rainfall tracker.  Works best on a PC, not so good on mobile.  Anyway, here in LKN we got about 5.5-6.0 inches of rain.  Forecast projected up to 12 inches of rain, we got a bit lucky – some areas east and south of us did get that much.  Annual average for Charlotte is around 41-44 inches of rain – that's an entire year's worth.  We got lucky, but pray for those who weren't so fortunate.


Thanks Mona and 66 for keeping me honest today.  I was seriously thinking about staying up late, watching football and having some beers… and converging.  But the forecast was clearing up, and knowing guys are gonna be there, wanting to put in the work and push eachother… always keeps me going.  It can be hard on stormy Sunday nights, but I appreciate the push and the companionship.  Enjoy the week gents!