THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Mater Time & Hide & Seek w/ Dandelion and Cropduster

Event Date

Sep 21, 2018


After much late-night chatter by Cropduster and Dandelion, they met up early somewhere at 0445 and killed a few miles and we never saw Cropduster again.  We did find Dandelion however, he was crawling in the ditch on his way home, a shell of a man, shouting obscenities and such, obviously reeling in agony from trying to keep up with CD.  Thanks for taking the early shift fellas.

The rest of us headed out at 0531 and got to the top of the baby hill, when what do our eyes/ears hear?  Mater, pulling into the AO!!  We head back, grab Mater, did the McConnell there and back and some of us ended with a nice "around the fountain" heater to complete an even 5 miles.  Some got more with the run into the AO.

 – MATER, MATER, MATER!  He came!  And killed it!  We couldn't stop him from chatting the entire time.  Saying things like, "Wow, this really does suck is fun!"; and "I can't wait to not be here next week!" 

 – Now it's Fabio's turn to come out on a Friday.  See above sir.

 – Jeeves, Bertha and Clark were triplets this morning.  They dress the same, they all smell of America.

 – Meek, how do we get this guy registered on the site?  Perfect running form as always. 

 – Cheetah helped pace push a few up the long hill that is McConnell.  T-Claps

 – TL always gets out of his car looking like he just finished a marathon, but then runs as if it is easier than walking?  I think he was made to just keep running and never walk?!

 – LOTS of Basin relay talk.  Bets were made, pink slips were put up.

 – Enjoyed it fellas, POTUS OUT