Not enough time.

Warm up10 IC Cotton Picker 10 IC Slow Windmill 10 IC SSH10 IC IST10 IC KB bent over swing from side to side. Partner Up 200 reps – Two KB SQUATS P1, P2 run around parking then flap jackcore exercise low Flutter, LBC by The Count. We moved to school entrance.100 reps – Two KB ROWS P1, P2 Quadriphilia then run back. Flap Jack We moved to the front of school for hill exercise. 200 reps – MTN CLIMBERS P1, P2 Farmers Carry to Up hill then back. Flap Jack JLo by AmenWe moved to Cobblestone Manor entrance. 100 reps – Two KB SHOULDER PRESS P1, P2 run down hill and back. Flap Jack We head back to AO Around the World Bellskine:Excellent work by all pax.YHC preblast 1,000 reps of??? Due to time limit we only did total 600 reps. Tomorrow come get your extra 400 reps or more at St. Mark. Amen took us out for prayer. Thank you brother.Big thank you to The Count for letting me Q.