THE Denver Friday Fun Run – Strudel’s First Time

Event Date

Sep 28, 2018


9 men entered from the misty humid gloom to find that Strudel made the right decision to start his weekend early.

ALL men were actually present at 0530.  Has to be a first.

We head down Burton, do the Baypointe hill, down to Governor's island and back.  5-7 miles for most.

 – STRUDEL JOINS US!!  Brother has been struggling with rehabbing his knee, and gave it a go today.  Besides a visit to the porta jon fairy, which is a right of passage, he kills his first attempt.  Keep coming out man, it only gets easier (Except when it doesn't)

 – Blart/Zick/Meek make an awesome lead out group.  Looked down at my watch several times and we were pushing low 7s.  Meek casually PR's his 5k again.

 – Jeeves makes it 2 weeks in a row I believe.  He is obviously worried about marking his territory.  Looking strong bro.

 – Vortex smokes his second mile, sub 7, then scolds me because I didn't notice. It was mostly downhill by the way.

 – MATER joins us for Week 2.  You looked great the whole time man.  Some tough hills thrown in there today and each week you will continue to see improvement.

 – Dandelion makes his slowest entrance ever to the AO.  His truck probably thinks its been stolen

 – Cooler weather is on its way gents.  This heat/humidity training should start paying dividends.