18 Pax Took a tour of the best schoolyard in town

warm up-mosey, butt kickers, high knees, carioca both ways, side stradddle hop, windmill, imperial storm trooper, arm circles.


the thang:

mosey to planters

10 decline merkins in cadence

10 dips in cadence

10 box jumps or 6 step ups each leg 

10 income merkins in cadence

10 dips in cadence

10 box jumps or 6 step ups each leg 

Partner up, one partner run around the school while the other partner grabs a block and meet at the blackto partner up, one partner run around the school while the other partner grabs a block and meets at the blacktop 

Partner one exercies while partner two runs to the other end of the blacktop and touches the curb and back. Switch and repeat.   Two rounds of curls, two rounds of squats, two rounds of chest press with low flutter, two rounds of skull crushers. 

 Opposite partner returned the block and heads to the curb while other partner comes back around school. 

To the playground for  10 pull-ups and 8 Burpee‘s, 8 pull-ups and 6 Burpee‘s, sweet Caroline with a 10 count, 6 pull-ups and 4 burpee’s, 4 pull-ups and 2 burpees.

indian run back to parking lot for the best merkin song ever.  Played Moby Flower, doing markins, up on Mobyy’s Up and down on his down.  Half way through switched to squats until end of song. 


I knew it was going to be a good day when I spotted a real ghost at the work out, awesome having Grey Ghost and Auto out before they go crush their half marathon this weekend! Unfortunately Auto was more concerned about saving his legs then his mouth ran more than his legs!  Nice work 9 lives and Calypso on the standard! Appreciate Roadie letting me Q at this awesome AO!