3 bellz ringing and running

Event Date

Oct 05, 2018

The Q arrived a little early for standard and per Slack knew others were going to be there. He waited… until 5 after then prayed for those that lost to the FartSack monster, and took off. After one lap around the AO he knew a friendly was around as a Jeep appeared and a bell sat glistening on the ground below the light. However the Q looked far and wide and couldn't find them so he continued making laps looking each time he passed but nothing, except the friendly Trilogy man/run-walker who asked if he could join me on the run. That man is deceptively fast as he paced the 2.5mi just below 8min/mi so sad clown avoided.  Magically Hefty appeared ready to begin a Bellz circuit right on time, as he was down on the track doing sad clown speed work. Then Ziploc came in hot on SVU time at 5:35, nearly taking out the friendly run-walker, then we began.  

Disclaimer given.

Warmup: Arm circles; hug yourself, dynamic warmup (soldiers, buttkicks, carioca)

Everyone starts at a station: After the time completes each station, run to top of the hill and back

Curls (as many as you can on R then L then finish B)

Skull Crushers

Supine Single arm press R

KB squats on BOSU (30 squats, hold remaining time)

Supine Single arm press L

KB swings

Alt lunge onto BOSU

KB alt merkins

Rows R

Russian Twist

Rows L


Alternating dippy birds

Low flutter

Upright row

Bridge alt sides every 5 w/ KB on hips

V ups (KB to feet)

Side star (plank w top leg up and KB up) R

Plank pull over

Side star (plank w top leg up and KB up) L


“I’m not enough” We’ve all thought it. We’ve all felt it. Maybe the voice in your head didn’t say, “you’re not enough.” Maybe instead it said, “you’ll never fit in with them,” “You’ll never be a good parent,” or “People won’t accept you because of what you’ve done.”

Our inner voice has a way of being sneaky. It gets in, whispers destructive thoughts, and before we even notice, we start believing them.

But in Christ, we are enough. The key is we aren’t enough until we ask Him to meet us where we are. We’ll never feel like we’re enough w/o Him. It’s through our weakness that we experience His strength.

So next time the negative thoughts creep into your head or weigh you down, ask God to meet you in that moment. Because the moment we reach for Him, we don’t have to feel like we’re enough. He’s already more than we can ask for or imagine.

2 Corinthians 12:9

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.


Moleskin: lots of fun chatter among the 3 of us, realizing that 1min to run up/down hill didn't leave much "rest time" before the next exercise. Talk about popcorn, scouts, racing the Roval, the crazy things Ziploc does at night that hurts his knee…

Thankful these guys showed up and worked hard. Missed all of the "runners" both before and during the workout. Sad that the SVU heist of PAX is actually working.