Using My Pain to Bring the Pain to the Pax

Thanks for taking the time to read this back blast.  If you were unlucky enought to be at the workout, you can relive the pain below.  If you were not at the workout and want to see what you missed, well take a peak.

Fairly muggy for a so-called Fall morning in the Gloom.  Arrived to see the MQ planting the shovel flag.  Wow!  Two flags at one workout as I planted the Sweet Tooth shovel flag. 

Usual mumblechatter as we wait for 7am.

Then…this happened!

Pledge of Allegiance

Warm O Rama

Mosey through parking lot, and mix in high knees, butt kickers, karioke and circle up where we started.

Metallica and Omega arive fashionable late.


SSH x29 IC (More on that in the Moleskin)

Cotton Picker x12 IC

Wind Mill x12 IC

IST x12 IC

Toy soldier x12 IC

Arm Circle forward and back

The Thang:

Mosey to the back of the school to the hill.

Announcement of a NICE and EASY LADDER!

Very simple LBCs at the top starting at 9 and easy CDDs at the bottom starting at 2.  Decrease/Increase by two with each rotation.  Oh wait, forgot the best part…Broad jump burpees up the hill.  Sorry I forgot to mention that part first Pax.  You are welcome…Actually that really sucked.  Thanks for not slapping me Jethro!

While pax finishing, some core exercises such as flutters, box cutters and Homer To Marge.

Now mosey back to start but stop at the big wall.

Calf raises each leg x12 IC.  Kachow only on one to protect his achilees.  He listened to my disclaimer!

Mosey to school wall.

Peoples chair with air press and touch them heals.

Balls to the Wall.

Landline asked for a repeato so of course I welcomed the suggestion.  The Pax protested to no avail.

Mosey to pull up bars.

10 Pull ups OYO or with assistance of your brother.

Grab some blocks.

Jack Webbs to 5 count

Chest Press x12 IC

Skull crushers x12 IC

10 count by Black Beard at YHC's request as I was getting a little spent

Curls x12 IC

Squats x12 IC

Shoulder Press x12 IC

Blocks back.

Lunge walk back to cars.

Huckleberry arrived to help with the mulch.  Kotter brother but just a tad late.  Black Beard working his EH magic while rest of the Pax get ready for MARY


WW2 sit ups x10

Pretzel crunch x10 IC each side

Dying Cockaroacha x10 IC

X's and O's

Recover Recover


Going up against a Dads workout I wasn't sure how many would show up.  13 total is strong and they were all beasts today.  Truth be told, I wish I was at the other workout.  May need additional communication in the future…just saying.

Thanks to Scrappy for providing the tunes…that certainly helped on the hill.

Great work by Kachow on one foot

Uncle Rico being Uncle Rico

Landline prefers seeing Olive in a martini

Great work by all the Pax and appreciate everyone coming out!

During the side straddle hops, I got a question as to why I stopped on 29.  This was my ode to Chrstina, my Sweet Tooth who 29 months ago to the day passed.  When Black Beard asked me to Q, I specifically chose this day to honor her.  And it also helps me get out of the bed.  Since the school year started, I have been a shell of myself and very sporatic coming out in the gloom.  Michael in 2nd grade and in Faith Formation are stark reminders of what Christina didn't get a chance to finish.  It all sucks.  But with that, one has to keep moving forward no matter how painful it is and no matter how badly you want to quit.  I felt like that today.  My level of fitness is far from what it used to be and today's workout sucked for me and definitely lost stamina at the end.  But no matter how difficult it was, it pales in comparison to my normal day to day.  But, my brothers were there to motivate me and to keep me pushing….just like they have been for the past 29 months.  And for that, and I say it all the time, I am eternally grateful and you all keep Regina, Michael and I standing and fighting.  Thank you!

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Never Take Anything For Granted!

Humbly Yours,
