Celebrating 1492

Event Date

Oct 06, 2018


2 appeared from the gloom to celebrate Columbus's sailing the ocean blue.  Rest of the pax must have traveled to the West Indies; missed you.  Workout really needed 4-6 people to make it unridiculous.  Shirley and I were sad for about 30 seconds and then buckled down for the 1492 BEATdown.

Warm Up:
10 windmills
*** plenty of warm up coming our way

Back to the back and bring up 2 x 33# blocks

The Thang:  1492 workout
pax will complete 38 rounds of the following circuit, OYO, split up as necessary
10 SSH
10 merkins
10 WWI situps
10 squats
run 25 yards around the block and 25 yards back

40×38 is just over 1492
38 rounds was easier to figure out than 37.3 rounds.

*** this is where I really wanted 4-6 pax to split up the effort
*** after crying a little, we got after it
*** Shirley is a beast, not very often that YHC is the sweeper
*** loved Shirley's quick thinking to count with sticks and cones; oxygen depravation later would have been confusing.
*** Plenty of time for mumble chatter:  
    – Buckeyes win last week.  
    – Buckeyes playing at home in "COLUMBUS" (harhar) this week.  
    – Shirley looks a little like Urban Meyer(clearly YHC was oxygen-deprived at this point).
    – Shirley's work schedule for Nov comes out the 15th; for Basin Run alternate runner interests.  
    – Alternate name for Columbus Day, the Beginning of Imperialistic US Endeavors over the Indigenous People's Day.  I understand the underlying comment it makes; still humorous. 
    – It's hard to count to 10 and hold any real conversation.  haha

– DONE –

*** Happily, we had about 25 minutes left…legs already smoked…glycogen depleted.
*** I had a phase 2 plan…and started to scale it back…but Shirley was pushing for pain.
*** I obliged.

Both carry blocks to the bottom of the dreaded SailView Dr.
5-level hill-icdes, all driveways on the left
– A runs to 1st driveway and back while B does merkins, flip-flop
– A runs to 2nd driveway and back while B does block lift cross, flip-flop
– A runs to 3rd driveway and back while B does Colt 45's, flip-flop
– A runs to 4th driveway and back while B does rest of Colt 45's + plank, flip-flop
– A runs to 5th driveway and back while B does block lift cross, flip-flop

Limp back to the AO.
*** Even Shirley was saying there was no power left.
*** Truth…I had to walk about half way back.  Such tired.
*** May have been the 190 squats before hand.

No Mary…not even sure how we completed all this in an hour.

Reflection:  Ecclesiastes 7:23-25 [Amplified below],  King Solomon sharing some wisdom
"23 I have tested all this with wisdom. I said, “I will be wise [independently of God],” but true wisdom was far from me. 24 Whatever has been is far off, deeply remote and exceedingly mysterious. Who can DISCOVER it [for it is beyond the grasp of man]? 25 I turned around and directed my heart to know, to investigate and to seek [skillful and godly] wisdom and the reason for things, and to know that wickedness is folly and that foolishness is madness [leading to stupidity and recklessness]."
– Solomon (wisest man) tried to be wise, independent of God's wisdom and will, but couldn't.  Why do I think I can do this?
– There are a lot of things we won't ever really figure out ourselves.  In fact, how silly is it to think we'll figure everything out?  It is beyond the grasp of man, and the sooner we realize this, the sooner we can admit our limits and look to our Creator for true guidance.
– So Solomon consciously STOPS and changes his plan.  He turns around 180 degrees from relying on his own wisdom.  He re-directs his heart to know, to investigate, to seek, and to DISCOVER wisdom from God.
– What areas of your life have you been wise about?  Maybe too wise?
– Maybe you need to be humble in some ways, turn around 180 degrees and let the Holy Spirit re-direct you in some areas.
– Don't just wander through life.  Be intentional and DISCOVER wisdom and true life in Christ.

Super tough workout.  Good times with Shirley.  He's such a beast.

Honor to lead today.  Such an honor.
: )