The run and no soccer

Event Date

Oct 06, 2018

Stretch before workout 

We will run the Gauntlet(3.4 miles) and back so we could play soccer.

Once we finished the run (my Q) I pass the torch to Mater who told me to bring a soccer ball. 

10 step ups each leg/ plank other half
Al Gore/ 20 deep squats
20 IC fire hydrants 
Al Gore/ 20 deep squats
20 fire hydrants IC
20 monkey jumpers IC
Mosey back to LP
20 Bicycles IC
10 Flutter Kicks IC
20 hand release merkins to stretch the abs

NO SOCCER the ball was only for looks 

Reflection:  1Corinthian 9:24

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.