Tropical Tabata

Event Date

Oct 11, 2018


4 pax weren't skeered of a little rain, and in any event trusted YHC to keep them under cover as promised for a tabata-style beatdown with bricks at Samson.

The pax gathered at the Lake Forest pavilion next to De-fined Coffee, where YHC had already stationed several sets of bricks from his car.  After chatting for a few minutes with the pax, YHC glanced at his watch and found that it was 5:30.20, so we each grabbed a set of bricks and moseyed 20 feet or so to the lit covered walkway.


All exercises sans bricks:

  • Squat x 10 IC
  • Alternating Side Lunges x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • Merican x 10 IC


Tabata-style workout with bricks.  4 rounds, 8 exercises each round.  Perform each exercise AMRAP for 20 sec, with 10 sec rest in between.  Repeato each round, then break / intermission before beginning next round.  All exercises in round performed with bricks (except dips – performed on benches).

Round 1

  • Overhead Claps
  • Squat to Press
  • Line Jumps
  • 4-Count Mountain Climber + 1 Merican
  • Dips
  • Alternating Lunges
  • Man Maker Mericans
  • Mason Twists

Intermission 1

  • People's Chair 30 sec
  • 10 WWII Situps OYO

Round 2

  • Bent Over Tricep Extensions
  • 1/4 Turn Jump Squats
  • Traveling Mericans
  • Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Apolo Ohnos
  • Crab Cakes (aka Breakdancers)
  • Offset Mericans (switch every 5 reps)
  • The W

Intermission 2

  • People's Chair 30 sec
  • Airborne Mindbender 30 sec

Round 3

  • Overhead Tricep Extensions (aka Skullcrushers)
  • Goblet (Brick) Squat
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans
  • Rocky Balboas (with bricks overhead)
  • Windmills
  • Lateral Arm Raises
  • Wide Mericans
  • WWII Situps Spanish-American War Situps

Intermission 3

  • People's Chair 30 sec
  • Airborne Mindbender 30 sec

Round 4

  • Overhead Press
  • Step-Ups (alternating legs)
  • Scarecrows
  • Hand-Release Mericans Brick-Release Mericans
  • Bulgarian Split Squats
  • Front Arm Raises
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Flutter Kicks with Brick Press

Recover, Recover.


  • Great time this morning with the pax.  We kept out of the rain, but worked up a good sweat (at least YHC did).  The format allowed for a good bit of mumblechatter, as well, especially with respect to the exercises that YHC called.  For instance….
    • It was noted that the pax did not have to jump over any imaginary lines, as we in fact had actual lines (sidewalk cracks) to jump over.  Good point.
    • DH noted that the "break" YHC had promised was not really a break, but in fact just a bunch of exercises.  YHC was trying to come up with a equivalent to the "lap" I would have had the pax run in-between rounds had it not been pouring, but again good point.  YHC audibled to the Airborne Mindbender for the next two "breaks," which the pax loved.  YHC also enjoyed instructing the pax to "recover" from their Mindbenders to begin the subsequent rounds.
    • Had to throw Moroccan Nightclubs in there, especially after Hoodie had commented on them the day before, but 20 sec just isn't enough time for those to burn, even with a couple bricks in hand.  DH also observed that the Scarecrows were essentially the same thing.  Hey, it's tough coming up with 32+ completely different exercises.  Some of 'em are going to be repeats disguised as new exercises.
    • On that note, YHC called for WWII Situps, but DH quickly pointed out that the pax had already done those during the first "break" (albeit without bricks), so YHC audibled to Spanish-American War Situps, which are totally a thing now, and are completely different from WWII situps.  And YHC didn't even have to specify "with bricks," because that was implied.  Just check any history book.
    • The pax complained that Rocky Balboa would not have held the bricks over his head.  Cobains, YHC did not realize that caring about the pax's fitness should take a backseat to faithfully representing the movie character.  (Side note, YHC admits to having Googled around in hopes of finding a pic of Rocky training with his arms overhead, but was unsuccessful….)
    • Turns out Skullcrushers aren't very daunting with a couple of 5 lb bricks.  In fact, they're pretty damn easy.  So were some of the other exercises.  YHC thinks for next tabata that the pax should do 30 sec of each exercise.  Thoughts?
    • YHC called for Hand Release Mericans, but then wondered aloud if they should be called "Brick Release Mericans."  DH noted that these were completely different, and pointed out that YHC was doing the former, and that only he was doing the latter because he couldn't hear the sound of the other pax's bricks hitting the pavement on each rep.  Good point, I suppose those are a little tougher.  But I think the question is, would Rocky have done them that way?
    • Swede is not Bulgarian, as far as we know, but he loved the Bulgarian Split Squats, because they were "just like momma taught him" back in Bulgaria.
  • Seriously, enjoyed all of the mumblechatter.  Thanks to DH, Hoodie, and Swede for joining YHC, in spite of the weather, and making it a fun morning while still pushing each other.  YHC brought all 54 of my bricks to Samson "just in case" 27 pax showed up.  Should have known we'd only need a few sets, but all good – it was a perfect sized group.
  • Thanks to Limburger for allowing YHC to jump in and take the Q last minute.  Wish you could have joined us, but hope you got some needed rest.  Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.  I'm in your debt, brothers.
