Cul de Sacs & Chainsaws

Event Date

Oct 13, 2018


2 men at SVU found out that dead ends aren't always dead ends.

Warm Up:


Football Drill

10 IC Windmills

10 IC Front Lunges

Back to the back grab a block.

Partner Block run to the first cul de sac on Rustling Woods

Wheelbarrows up the hill (Swap)

Block run to next sac

Block Curls4Girls/Lunge Walk up the hill

Block run to next sac

Block Skull Crushers/Run the sac

Next sac

Block Merkin crosses/Run the sac

At the "other" SVU park – 10 IC Bench Dips

Next Sac 

Repeato Block Curls4Girls/Lung Walk up the Hill

Block run back to the AO/Return Blocks

3 Minutes of Burpees


20 IC WWIs

1 hour of Chainsaws and Gasoline Manliness


God throws dead ends/cul de sacs in our paths every day.  We can choose to look at them as dead ends, or as new beginnings. Don't dwell on the negative, spend more time on the positive.  Learn from the negative, respect the negative, but don't let it own you.  YOU are still HERE for a reason.  Live that reason.


 – Only Shirley was man enough to try to tackle a Skipper workout.  Man is a beast.  It was great 2nd F too.  

 – Although I do like the larger number of PAX (13 yesterday!), there is always something cool about the smaller PAX days. Reminds me of the months that Cheetah, Big Easy, Atlantis, Metro and the other Godfathers of our Denver AOs spent building what we still enjoy today.  Thanks brothers.

 – There is something about the sound of chainsaws, falling trees, flying sawdust and gasoline in the early morning air that makes you feel like a man.  Great stuff.  We cleared about 5 trees near the fountain that partially fell in the common area during Michael.  

 – Sorry you couldn't have coffee with me this morning Mustang.  (You probably went to Chic-Fil-A anyway)