Bearcrawls are the new Burpees

11 were curious what a non-running Mustang workout looked like.  FNG-1 = Ozark (needs to get on website!).  FNG-2 = Hambone Jr (Crawdad's older 2.0 – not be confused with Jeff "Hambone" Hammond). FNG-3 = Jellybean (Crawdad's younger 2.0)



20 Cottonpickers

20 Windmills (Q told to count slower)

10 IC Merkins

10 IC Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Bearcrawl/Crabwalk Suicides – 4 10yd segments (well – for Bertha & Cheetah, the rest did 3 segments).  Ended with bearcrawl to 40yd segment and stop.

1-Minute (Bearcrawl timer) Pain Stations:

– Stations spaced ~5yds in a line:

– Downunders / Merkins / Burpees / Plank / Squats / Lunges / Mountain Climbers / Tire Flip / Pull-ups

– Continuous work at station while PAX bearcrawls from Pull-up bar to Downunder rig (which was estimated at ~1min) – about 40 yds.  Bearcrawl bewteen stations.

Bearcrawl to rock pile.  Grab Rock.  Carry rock back to field line

Suicides with rock – 4 10yd segments – rock-hand push-ups (10 left hand on rock/10 right hand on rock) at each segment

Suicides with rock – 4 10yd segments – 10 rock overhead squats at each segment

Overhead carry rock back to rock pile.  

Mosey to AO


10 IC BBC (not to be confused with LBC – full extension at the top)

15 IC Flutter kicks

10 Elbow to knee (switch leg – 10 more)

Reflection: Christans at Work – Reminder that our work is not for others or for ourselves, but for God.  Ephesians 6:5-8.  Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;  Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;  With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:  Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.


– YHC's VQ debut.  Thanks to all for the support.

– Note to self for future Q – plan to count yourself as the group can't be trusted to maintain a linear progression.  I fear for our youth is today's counting is a reflection of how math is taught.

– It was a cold, wet start on the field.  Made for some numb hands as we made the upper body responsible for moving us around the field.  Shoes may not dry out until next week.

– YHC made a rookie mistake by thinking the downunder rig was much close to pull-up bar.  What was supposed to be a circle of stations ended up being a long line.  Luckily Crawdad is much smarter than I am and suggested the bearcrawl trip from pull-up to downunder rig become the 1 minute timer.  Otherwise we may still be out there…

– It was good to mix up the workouts vs. the recent miles in prep for Basin run.  Shoulders were well engaged by the end of the workout.  I'll take the mumblechatter re: not being able to lift arms as a sign of success.

– Hefty apparently lured folks out for a pre-workout run and then didn't show.  Mulligan got outsmarted by his alarm clock.  So Cheetah ran by himself (stud).  PS – today was my first opportunity to meet the elusive Cheetah (like real cheetahs, i've heard of him but not seen him before today)

– It was good to see Crawdad's 2.0s (is that 2-squared?)

– We tested Clubber's recovering lower back.  Seems like it held up.

– Missed some of the regulars.  Hope all is well.

It was an honor to have the opportunity to lead.  However, it seemed that PAX were missing Spork's Q-style by the time we were done.

YHC = Kaczynski