Pleasing Proportion of the Parts of a Thing

Event Date

Oct 23, 2018


I thought for sure the Trump #preblast would scare the pax off, but seven men came out to North Meck Park to see if YHC would “Make TheViking Great Again” or if they’d return home convinced that “TheViking is not my workout”. Even the cooler temperatures would not dissuade these fine pax from showing up at the polls.

After a brief discussion about the temperature cutoffs for various amounts of workout gear (and a debate as to whether it was 41 or 48 degrees depending on which of the plethora of measuring devices were available), it was 0530 and we moseyed down to the lower parking lot for a vigourous warmup.

  • SSH x25 IC
  • Toy Soldier x15 IC
  • Sumo Squat x20 IC
  • Windmill x15 IC
  • Mountain Climber x15 IC
  • Merkin x10 IC
  • Cotton Picker x10 IC

Moving down to the basketball courts we remained in motion to keep the bodies warm.

  • Run up baseline, carioke along baseline, quadrophelia down opposite sideline and repeato for all 3 courts.
  • Bobby Hurleys at 0°, 45°, 90°, 135° and 180° along three-point arc on all three courts
  • Forest to the Sea — bear crawl to half court, crab walk to opposite baseline
  • Run, carioke, quadrophelia along opposite baseline to work opposite leg because #symmetry
  • Bobby Hurleys along all three courts

With the heart and lungs adequately warm, we moved to the pavilion for some bench work.

  • Dips x15 IC
  • Step Ups x20 IC
  • Incline Merkins x15 IC
  • Dips x10 IC
  • Step Ups x20 IC #symmetry
  • Incline Merkins x10 IC

Let’s run back to rock pile and grab a stationary rock your friends would like.

  • Shoulder Press x12 IC. Run to bottom of hill.
  • Pretzel Crunch (left) x12 IC. Run to top of hill.
  • Skull Crusher x12 IC. Ru to bottom of hill.
  • Pretzel Crunch (right) x12 IC. Run to top of hill. #symmetry
  • Bent Over Row x12 IC. Run to bottom of hill.
  • Crunchy Frog x12 IC. Run to top of hill.
  • Chest Press x12 IC. Return rocks.

Oh, look at the time. Let’s mosey back to church parking lot.

  • People’s Chair with Wonderbra x20 IC
  • People’s Chair with Touch Those Heels x20 IC
  • Jane Fonda (left) x25 IC
  • Suzanne Sommers (right) x25 IC #symmetry

And with that we recovered. Another Viking in the books. It won the day even if it did not win the popular vote.


  • Initially, YHC thought Tagless ran all the way from Wynfield this morning. He did not, but he was the solo standard bearer with a 2.5 mile jog pre-workout.
  • Toxic makes a great running mate. He does a fine job of holding YHC accountable on the lack of burpees, poor form on incline merkins, not sticking to same number of reps, pointing out that rocks for friends are rarely shared with them, suggesting terrible ideas (like Jack Webbs) or trying to rename Jane Fondas. Sometimes #ISI doesn’t play out the way you expect, but it always is meant to help you improve.
  • Speaking of Toxic, he griped a couple times about the seeming lack of #symmetry during the workout thus inspiring today’s back blast title.
  • Jethro likes incline merkins so much that he did double what the rest of us did. On a side note, he also dislikes dips.
  • Boar Hog was rather quiet this morning. But Hurley made up for that and then some.
  • #qfail as YHC called Step Ups but was not clear on alternating legs. Moop Dog did the first 20 all leading with the same leg. I had not planned to repeat, but felt obligated for his benefit #symmetry.
  • Thanks to Mayhem for allowing me to Q this morning. I wasn’t sure he would let me come back after bringing Bridge of Hate here during Pirate Week. Needless to say, we did not attempt it today.