Anniversary of “Mutiny at Hollywood!!”

It is hard to believe that an entire year has passed since that infamous morning at Hollywood in Oct 2017 when 23 pax decided that they had had enough of YHC's beatdown and ducked into Pure Barre disappeared for some 7 minutes, perhaps longer.  YHC can still recall the deafening silence as DonHo and I were moseying (yes, moseying!) down Cranlyn Rd past the fountain in front of Birkdale Cinemas, and turned around to find an empty street, the other two dozen pax having up and vanished like Keyser Soze.

YHC has heard differing accounts of what happened that morning.  We may never know the truth.  I understand the FBI file remains open to this day.  The ghost of Robert Stack phoned some six months ago to interview YHC about the matter.  Until the day Auto cops to orchestrating the entire thing someone who was present breaks the silence, we'll just be left to wonder.

Today, YHC decided to retrace the pax's steps of one year ago.  If nothing else, YHC would at least try to deliver the full beatdown that the Oct 2017 pax never received (albeit modified somewhat for reasons explained below).

0500: Auto, Breakfast Club, and DonHo joined YHC for a Standard through the neighborhoods behind Birkdale Village.  Despite YHC soliciting the pax for a route and, hearing nothing, explaining that I had a route, but that it would only give the pax 2.7 miles, the pax nonetheless griped about the shortcomings of said route until at last DonHo decided to co-opt the Standard and divert the pax to the greenway to ensure that the pax would achieve the full and expected 3 miles.  This was not a good start for YHC given DH was the only pax who did not participate in last year's mutiny.

We rolled back into the AO with a few minutes to spare.  Several other pax had already arrived, including Quiet Riot, not registered on website and thus listed as "FNG-1" in above pax list.

Hacker arrived just as YHC's watch hit 0530, and the beatdown then commenced….


Mosey to usual warmup spot in parking lot to right of Birkdale Cinemas and circle up.  Disclaimer given, including usual explanation that the pax follow YHC at their own risk and that, in fact, pax at this very AO have chosen not to follow YHC in the past for periods of 7 minutes or more.

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walker x 10 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclub x 40 IC and hold arms out for….
  • Overhead Clap x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC


Mosey behind Birkdale Cinemas to parking lot on other (left) side of Cinemas.  Form two wide lines facing down first parking lot lane and snake through parking lot as follows:

  • Lane 1 – bear crawl to opposite end of parking lot, completing 5 mericans OYO at each island.
  • At end of lane, complete WWII Situps x 20 OYO.
  • Lane 2 – lunge walk to opposite end of parking lot, completing 10 squats OYO at each island.
  • At end of lane, complete WWII Situps x 20 OYO.
  • Lane 3 – bear crawl to opposite end of parking lot, completing 5 mericans OYO at each island.

Mosey past tennis courts (trekking through mud and wet grass) and down to rock pile near artificial lake.  Select a non-traveler rock and carry up to small parking lot.  Form small groups of 3-4 pax.

Each pax in small group takes a turn calling a 10-count rock exercise in cadence for the other pax in his group.  Continue until each small group has completed 4 rock exercises.  Rotate one rock to left and repeato.  Pax were encouraged to call a new exercise each time, so as not to repeat the same exercise twice.

Replace rocks, mosey back up hill to Pennington Dr, and proceed back to fountain on Cranlyn Rd in front of Birkdale Cinemas.  Find a spot on fountain ledge for:

  • Dips x 15 IC
  • Step Ups x 10 OYO (each leg)
  • Shoulder Touch Derkins x 10 IC

Mosey back down Cranlyn Rd to corner near Pure Barre for:

  • Monkey Humpers x 15 IC
  • Offset Curb Hand Release Mericans x 10 IC (right hand on curb)
  • Offset Curb Hand Release Mericans x 10 IC (left hand on curb)

Mosey back up Cranlyn Rd and back to warmup spot to right of Cinemas.  Partner up.

  • P1 One-Legged People's Chair
  • P2 LBC x 20 OYO
  • Flip Flop
  • Repeato with other leg

All pax circle up for Captain Thors – 1 x WWII Situp followed by 1 x 4-count American Hammer.  Then 2 x WWII Situp followed by 2 x 4-count American Hammer, and so on…..until the pax completed 10 x WWII Situp followed by 10 x 4-count American Hammer.

No time for Mary.  Recover, recover.  Return to fountain for COT.


  • YHC enjoyed redelivering the Oct 2017 beatdown, including to 4 other pax who were present that morning one year ago (Auto, Deep Dish, DonHo, and Tuffy).  YHC was careful to replace the broad jump burpee snake with some less objectionable exercises this time, not knowing in advance whether Outlaw would be present, and also because it definitely sucked and probably triggered the mutiny, at least in part.
  • It was the first time YHC had ever called "Offset Curb Hand Release Mericans."  The pax had just completed some monkey humpers in front of Pure Barre which, in hindsight, could have drawn the attention of those inside who, had they continued to watch, would have then seen 14 pax basically laying down face first in the gutter.
  • Once again, there was immediate and utter contempt for the Moroccan Nightclubs.  Several pax were openly mocking the Q and generally reluctant to participate for the first few reps.  Per usual, by rep 30, the pax were beginning to come around, and by rep 40 were tacitly hoping the Q would stop.  YHC knows this from the groans that ensued when YHC followed with the overhead claps.  Moroccan Nightclubs always a crowd pleaser!
  • I am told Breakfast Club was attempting to touch shoulders to ground on the Shoulder Touch Derkins?  Sound off below if you saw this.  YHC was on the other side of the fountain.
  • DonHo lamented an opportunity missed after wondering aloud on the Standard whether he and the Q should have avenged last year's mutiny by arranging to hold this year's beatdown within Pure Barre.  For sure, that would have been epic.
  • Not sure what rock exercises the other small groups called, but YHC was definitely sore after our group's combo.  Landline delivered some extra pain on one exercise, going to 20 reps IC on (I believe) overhead presses.  Anyway, I enjoyed bringing this small group work back out from last year's beatdown.  Good way to get the newer pax some practice calling cadence.
  • The pax actually did try to troll the Q at one point.  YHC and DonHo grabbed our rocks and were the first to arrive in the small parking lot.  Some time passed, and then Breakfast Club came through the bushes with his rock and a big ol grin on his face.  "Oh, shit," YHC thought, as I passed back through the bushes to search for the other pax, only to find them all giddy and intentionally waiting on the other side.  Pretty sure Auto was behind that one as well.
  • Many thanks to Deep Dish for allowing YHC to grab the Q last minute and lead the pax this morning.  MQ of Hollywood for over a year now, he's done a great job of leading the pax at this AO, including leading many beatdowns himself.  If you haven't Q'd at Hollywood, or haven't Q'd there recently, please give my man some support and get signed up.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016…. I'm forever grateful.
