Marriage Monday is BACK!

9 men of Isotope stood in fear and indecision on the last Monday of the month at The Berean as the Murph always looms large. They would find that the Murph is real on this morning but not for the body; instead for their marriage. This is their story:



Mosey down the greenway for a bit


Mericans x 15 IC
Low flutter x 15 IC

Continue on our mosey grabbing the reigns from Poptart & Lego as needed…oh there's a fence

Dips x 15 IC
Decline mericans x 15 IC

Mosey continues as the pax look for rocks

Full curl x 15 IC
Rock press x 15 IC

Reverse course, yank on Code Blue & Dingo's reigns, and look for another fence

Incline mericans x 15 IC
LBCs x 15 IC

Just a little more moseying & finish as you start

Mericans x 15 IC
Low flutter x 15 IC

Final push…


Mobility minute because Goat is there

Downward dog w/ calf stretch

Recover recover



  • Read YHCs daily devotional for today, "Your Deepest Need." Today focused on the story of the Samaritan woman drawing water at a local well when she found herself engaged in a conversation with Jesus. "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:13-14).
  • Jimmy O sprung on us the analogy of conditioning your marriage just like you condition your body for a big race. Making sure you are exercising your muscles of communication, caring, and love with your wife as you do your legs and core for a marathon or the BRR. Many examples this morning of how to take that on. Thanks for opening up men.
  • We all have four basic human needs that drive us at all times. Acceptance, identity, security, and purpose. How are we filling those needs? Through Christ? Or through an expectation of our spouse?
  • Code Blue talked about the amount of time we spent in communicating with our wives before we were married. Hours on the phone. Lego reminded us of those times when neither of us wanted to be the first to hang up. Goat talked about the length we used to go through to spend time communicating with our wives before they were our wives.
  • Find the time this week to go to those lengths. Our wives want us to care. They want us to love. They wants us to show them that they are our priority. We are called to love our wives like Christ loved the church. Let's do that this week.
  • Goat had the great suggestion of having a morning or a couple to spend time telling our stories of how we met our wives (Similar to the mornings we have gone around telling how we joined F3). Awesome idea.
  • Really strong work by the pax both in getting ~3.5 miles of running w/ pain and on opening up to share on a Marriage Monday.
  • Chime in on anything missed in the comments.
  • Thanks to Big Montana for the opportunity to Q at The Berean. Thanks to the LFC Men's Ministry for the EH (Email Headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Lots of prayers for marriages of the men in this region and beyond. We all need them. Until the next time…

Don Ho