Knock Knock Zoom Zoom at the Jungle

It wasn't Halloween – but it was close enough to bring a themed workout to the Jungle.

8 of us were gathered and then we were joined by Titan shortly after we launched.  Surely, he would be the final PAX showing up.  [Don't call me Shirley, and he wasn't the last PAX to show up.]

We took a short mosey to the tool shed where we warmed up – we did several exercises including the beatdown themed 31 SSH IC.  After the warm-o-rama – we moseyed to the corner of the lot and picked up a block.  From there we Zamperini'd to what would become STATION 1.  [Put your blocks on the ground and gather 'round ye olde Q for instructions.]

Prior to the workout – YHC positioned 4 trick or treat baskets/pumpkins around the parking lot to create our 4 stations.  [I'm guessing you're not surprised that I have 4 baskets and only 3 2.0's.  I knew it would come in handy for a workout someday.  Let's go with that.]

Each pumpkin had slips of paper that would tell the PAX what to do at that corner.  The idea was that the PAX would probably split up (just like trick or treaters do) and arrive at the stations at different times.  After a short period where that was the case – the PAX decided we'd travel en masse.  Which worked out well – and probably up'd our 2nd F.

At Station 1 – the PAX would do 20 reps of a block exercise of their choosing.  After the block work – somebody would pick the slip of paper.  Every time you got to Station 1 – you started with 20 block reps.

What was in store:

STATION 1 – there were numbers from 1-4.  Based on the number – the PAX traveled that many pumpkins.  A 4 (which was never selected would mean a full trip around the lot without any pain stations.

STATION 2 – WW2 Sit-ups, LBC's, Low Flutters, Rocky Balboas or Burpees

STATION 3 – Smurf Jacks, Squats, Jump Squats, SSH's, Mountain Climbers or or Alternating Lunges

STATION 4 – Pull-ups, Knee Ups, Incline Mericans, Decline Mericans or Hand Release Mericans

As we were into our First Lap – our Master Q – Blackbeard showed up.  Between him, and what his presence did to Titan – the mumblechatter increased tremendously the rest of the workout.  

I believe we did in the neighborhood of 6 or 7 laps.  

After the final lap – we moseyed to put the blocks back.  Before we shelved them, we grabbed a few last exercises.

After a few short sprints – we circled up for Mary.

The Black and Orange Moleskin:

– Good group of men.  My Saturday schedule has had me elsewhere recently – but it was great to be back at the Jungle.  A lot of options thrughout the AO.

– During the second lap – I had to explain to the PAX that except for following the numbers at STATION 1 – you stopped at all the stations.  For example – if you pulled a "2" – you ran to the second station and then hit STATION 3 on your way to STATION 4.  Toxic accused me of changing the rules in the middle of the workout.  I didn't chnage the rules – I had just not explained them well – there is a difference.  

– As much crap as we gave BB for being late – I would like to thank him for coming out.  He had an alarm fail and woke up at 7:04.  I think we've all been there before – and I'm not sure all of us would decide to come late – vs. rolling back over into the fartsack.