A bunch of Fruit Loops at the Blender

Event Date

Oct 30, 2018

Also in attendance was Heely, who has no excuse not to be on the website at this point. It looked like Heely did some form of a standard as well, but how long and how far he went is a mystery.

Standard Warmup

Mosey to Pullup Forest for Fruit Loops

Fruit Loops

– 5 toes to the bar

– 10 pullups

– 15 burpees

– 20 partner leg throwdowns

– 25 KB swings

– Then 1 Loop following road all the way around the softball field

We completed 3 full circuits of the above.

Loop on 1st circuit = backward run w/ partner. One of partners must always be running backwards. 

Loop on 2nd circuit = bear crawl w/ partner. One of partners must always bear crawl. Option to change to lung walk at halfway point if desired.

Loop on 3rd circuit = partner carry. One of partners must always carry the other. 

We only got halfway through the 3rd loop partner carry before it was time to circle up for some superman, banana, and planking.

Recover Recover.



– If you finished the workout, congrats you are a Fruit Loop

– Midway through the workout some of the guys complained saying they would rather do the Chelsea, but the allure of the Fruit Loop prevailed

– As Heely was partner carrying me on a long stretch uphill he wondered outloud how many other guys were training for the Houston marathon this way

– Tclaps to Bunyan and Flo for keeping up with the young guys. Bunyan played the role of Babe the Blue Ox, partner carrying Flo around the loop

– Uncle Rico continued his attendance dominance at the Blender

– Tclaps to Qbert who picked up a handy KNAACK to store the KBs at GCC

– Tclaps to Springfield for helping us keep the AO in top shape and stay on good terms with the church

– Rooter doing his own version of space travel at the Basin Relay on Friday, running farther than he ever has before

– Thanks for the chance to Q Two Buck


You don’t get second things by putting them first. You get second things by putting first things first. It is important that our priorities line up with our beliefs. Know what your prioriites are and stick to them.