Let’s Get This Show on the Road

The preblast may have seemed humorous to some, but (as usual) had an element of truth to it. YHC had recently read about a kettlebell workout that took basic moves that would be held for a timed period while in motion. The moves were meant to help strengthen core for doing everyday tasks. To my knowledge, The Cauldron has never left the cozy confines of the Torrance Creek Elementary parking lot, but that was going to change today.

The MQ posted a follow-up to YHC’s #PB for a standard and I felt obliged to join despite knowing we’d be adding more steps during the workout. Apparently I was the only one who felt obliged as just the two of us ran a 2.25 mile loop. As we returned to the AO, the other cars began rolling in. We started at 0530 sharp. It had rained the night before, but was rain-free during the workout and in the low 60s.


  • SSH x20 IC
  • Toy Soldier x15 IC
  • Cotton Picker x10 IC


YHC let everyone know that while not a professional, I was 10 hours into my CPR certification and was prepared to administer mouth-to-mouth as needed. (Fortunately no one would need it.) Next, we went over the various forms that would be employed this morning:

  • Suitcase: KB held on 1 side with shoulders back, chest out, core engaged and shoulders squared
  • Rack: elbow bent w/ KB against front of forearm, wrist neutral w/ back strait & core engaged
  • Waiter: KB overhead with elbox locked while keeping shoulders level and core engaged
  • Bottom’s Up: elbow bent with KB held by handle upside down #crowdpleaser
  • Goblet: Both hands holding KB at chest (but not touching) and elbows in, touching torso


The goal here was always to keep the core engaged and the back upright with shoulders even. By doing so we were forced to work the abs rather than relying on just the arms and shoulders to carry the load. With the added walking, this hopefully provided a full body workout that strengthens the muscles used in everyday tasks such as helping the M bring in the groceries or carrying the checked bags at the airport when the wheel breaks on the way to the rental car. What? I’m the only one to ever have that problem??

YHC set a timer to buzz every 2 minutes (for switching forms) as we headed toward the Rosedale neighborhood. We walked through the neighborhood and down the hill past the greenway. We went up and down and back up the flight of stairs behind the apartment complex. We walked toward McD’s, took a left at Woodie’s and another at Publix, then returned back to the AO though the ‘hood again. All told, we went 1.5 miles, all while holding the various forms above for 1-2 minutes at a time.

When we got back to the AO, we had a little time leftover for some MARY:

  • WWII Situps x20
  • Mason Twist x10 IC
  • Flutter Kick w/ KB x25 IC
  • Captain Thors 1-5


  • Kudos to the pax for throwing me out of sync during Mary. I botched the cadence on Mason Twist and then screwed up again during Captain Thors. Good thing I included the disclaimer about not being a professional
  • Amen showed up 3 minutes late, added a squat to his morning constitution (DURING THE WARMUP!!) and then left early, all due to gastrointestinal issues. I think it’s time to drop the Papa Murphy’s from the diet…for the good of the entire pax
  • Titan griped very little today. Aside from when we left the AO, didn’t change KB positions soon enough, walked through a puddle, walked up and down the stairs in the dark, didn’t do a standard workout, spent too much time walking, shined the light in his direction, didn’t shine the light in his direction, the workout was too easy and the workout was too hard. But other than that, no complaints at all
  • The Count shaved his beard so that he can grow it again for Movember. He looks 20 years younger in the meantime
  • Holiday wore an Under Armor shirt that claimed “I can do all things” but with no mention of “through Christ who strengthens me” (Phillipians 4:13). Cobains for bullying him, but glad we have men who can take being the occasional butt of a joke…and for men who give glory to Him when the workout is done
  • Deep Dish and The Count had a private conversation during announcements. As a result, they have no idea what is happening in F3 but it’s OK because we have a website now
  • Jimmy O and Omar had so much fun with me at Mad Scientist earlier in the week that they opted to join me again today, but where were Etch and Olive?

Thanks for following YHC for today’s dumb workout. It was certainly not your average KB workout and I doubt it will ever happen again. Although The Count did seem to like the idea of employing the stairs and hand rail down by the greenway in the future. So maybe leaving the AO was not all for naught. You’re welcome F3 LKN.