Incorporation of (Denver) 21s

Event Date

Nov 03, 2018


With the Basin wrapping up around our 0700 launch, and 16 of the finest PAX in F3 representing Denver, a call for all remaining PAX to converge to Mustang was made by Cheetah. At launch, it was observed that only 2 had received the message, YHC and Diesel. 

A brief discussion may or may not have taken place about heading home; however, we prevailed (if that convo happened) and spent the next hour talking all things "incorporation" of Denver, and trying to breath during the madness of BlackJack or 21s. 

We began with a mosey lap around the parking lot, and to the front of the school.

Begin the madness:

At the flag pole begin with 1 merkin then run to far side of circle and do 20. Next round 2 & 19, 3 & 18, etc. Finally, after a collective conversation we agreed to switch to squats, at the halfway point. 

Following this round we sauntered around the school stopping numerous times for futher pain with 21, of something. 

  • 21 step ups (small wall at bus lot)
  • 21 dips (benches at bus lot)
  • 21 jump ups (on loading dock)
  • 21 seconds of wall sits (horticulture building)
  • 21 down unders
  • 21 (yeah right) pull ups
  • 3 laps or 21/7 around the track


Then we left

The End
