They let me in!

Event Date

Nov 06, 2018




I was experiencing voice recorder problems this a.m. and didn't get all names.  So rather than miss some we will not mentioned anyone so we don't hurt anyone's feelings!  Sounds very "DAvidson" like.  🙂

I took it easy on the Pax and we did two minor warm-ups (Forward straddle hops and IST) before turning to drier ground at Davidson United Methodist.

We grabbed bricks and circled up next to the 5:15 group.  Not sure they ever figured out we were messing with their bricks.  

With little groaning, we exercised then Bear crawled 1/2 way around the circled up Pax.  This give YHC time to think up the next exercise.   Exercises included Merkins, lots of planking, CDD's, etc.

In the middle of this we did perform block work (this part was pre- planned);

Squats 5 IC

Curls 10 ic

OH press 15 ic


Squats 10 IC

Curls 15 ic

OH press 5 ic


Squats 15 IC

Curls 5 ic

OH press 10 ic

,,, more exercises followed by Bear Crawls, we held another cycle:

Jump overs x 5 IC

Skull Crushers x 10 IC

Chest press while horizontal and engulfed (adjective used based upon the moaning) in water -15 IC

Repeato – twice

Great participation from the Pax with LBC's (Duval), Something by Capt. Caveman (gettting old), Heels to heavan (Scrum), Pillow talk (Bagboy);  probably missed 1-2.

Moseyed back where Chim Chim was banging out dips, so we all did some to wrap it up.  That dude is in shape.


I sincerely enjoy coming up to Davidson as the group is always working it hard, but has a lot of fun in the process. I will learn everyone's name some day. Thanks guys.