Getting the Pax Warmed up for the PIF 5k

The GATES WERE OPEN at 6:40 AM at The Glen today… preparation for the Pay It Forward 5k, scheduled to kick off at 8:30.  That said, twenty three (23) F3RCUSA Faithful Pax (FFP) set out to seek,to endure, to aquiesce to the Q's demands for 60 min. prior to the 'jolly good' feel of the 5k.  Here is there story:

Warm-Ups: Mozy to upper parking lot.  High Knees, Butt Kickers, R/L Karaoke, Kick Steppers, COP (IC)- SSH 20, 1 burpee, 2 burpees, IST 15, 3 burpees, SDS 10, 4 burpees, MC's 15, 5 burpees, CDD's 6 burpees. Stairwork, up steps to upper baseball field via hopping, R/L Karaoke, Bear Crawl w/ Merkins EOS (Every Other Step).

The Thang:  Mozy to INSIDE BASEBALL field, Batting Cage Suicide, Mozy to bottom of hill outside outfield, bear crawl up hill, head to first disc golf basket, Five 'slow count' AlGore's, interrupted by 7 burpees.  Mozy to basket 2, 5 Rocky's (one armed mericans) each side. Mozy to basket #3, 15 Heal Slappers IC, mozy to #4, CDD's 20 IC, Mozy to pull-up bars.  Fives.  Three sets of 5 each of pull-ups, Sit-outs, and Burpees.  Dismiss runners that wanted to sign up, but haven't yet.  Head to playground, 15 dips IC.  Mozy to farthest rock pile.  Curls 10 IC, Mil Presses 10 IC, Lunges 10 IC. Return rocks, return to upper middle parking lot for..

Mary (IC): Low Flutter 15, Freddie Mercs 10, Mason Twists 15, WWII's 10. Recover recover.


-#thestandard was rucked buy Goodell and Chicken little, for 6 and 5 miles respectively.

-War Daddy was BB King, War Baby was either Mohawk or Deer Hunter, both Loveshack's 2.0's

-FNG's were Aquanet, Mohawk, and Pig Iron-all 'not' FNG's, but also not in our system.  Get'em in!

-Deepend, himself, was responsible for 15 of the 28 burpees.  Here's the splay nay shun.  DURING the COP, Deepend voiced his displeasure with YHC 'miscalling' the IST's SSH's, 2 burpee penalty.  At the END of COP, ANOTHER disparaging comment was hurled by Deepend, 6 burpee penalty.  THEN, during the AlGore's, on account of them being counted 'slow' like, an unprecedented THIRD comment was hurled out, 7 burpee penalty.  2+6+7=15, in YHC's Eurocentric math…

-About 5 Pax took off at the 45 min mark to register for the PIF 5k, per Usain's request, on account of them NOT having signed up ahead of time……YHC will leave that just right there.  

-The 'sit-outs'.  They continue to NOT garner the respect they deserve for the FULL BODY core exercise that they are….disappointing:-/  Coach Holmes and the entire PIAA wrestling aparatus would be ashamed to see such poor technique by the stallions know as F3RCUSA.  'Let's get after it'.

-No FNG's, but it was great to see Aqua-Net, humbly renamed from Animal due to him being the 'second' animal.  Tough one there Bro, but trust me, YHC understands that pain all too well….

-Great effort throught the woods today, Gents!  Glad the crew dodged all the obstacles out there.

-When Loveshack's 2.0 inquired about 'how big of a rock' to pick up, the Q quipped, "one that would impress your mother, not your father".  If that comment surprises you, get to know Loveshack and his incredibly forthright M…

-The PIF 5k, run by Usain, was a smashing success.  With nearly 500 runners, including our very own Chicken Little that finished FIRST in his age bracket!   Kudos to both!!