Field of Frostbitten Fingers

Event Date

Nov 17, 2018

10 PAX showed up – 9 of them had looked at the current weather conditions and dressed appropriately.  YHC had glanced at the high for the day in haste to prep for leading infamous Mustang crew and did not.  Upon arriving, Diesel confirmed it was freezing – scientifically confirmed with a 31 degree ambient temp reading.  Apparently the asphalt hadn't yet warmed to ambient temperature…

Upon confirmation that all PAX were regulars, a vague reference to a disclaimer was made


IC-SSH – 25

IC – Cottonpickers – 25

IC – Windmills – 20

IC – Merkins – 10 (this is when Q began to realize the impact of his decision to go sans gloves)

IC – Mountain Climbers – 10

The Thang:

2 laps around parking lot to stretch things out.

Down to the practice field for some goold old fashioned windsprints… with some pain in between.  It was drawn up as 100yd dash but i think the field was closer to 70.  Winner gets to plank while losers do exercises.  Abrams took the first heat, then got bored.  I believe Clubber took the second.  Hefty chuckled at the effort and decided to take the rest.

100yd / 70yd dash – 25 Merkins (mosey back)

Dash – 25 Situps (mosey back)

Dash – 20 Burpees (mosey back)

Dash – Split Lunge 15/leg (mosey back)

Bearcrawl to rock pile / Mosey to rock pile (Q called audible due to frozen fingers).  Grab a frozen piece of rock collected from the Arctic, estimated temp of -15 degrees.  Mosey back to field.

Lap around field with frozen rock over head – 20 goblet squats with frozen rock.  Shift to the right to take a different rock. (Those next to Clark's rock hated him)

Lap around field with frozen rock (carry as you like) – Merkins with one hand on frozen rock/other on frozen ground, alternating hands.  10 each arm.  Shift to right to take a different frozen rock (more hating of Clark).

Lap around field with frozen rock – 25 sit-ups (not with rock).  Shift to right to take different rock (continue to hate Clark).

Lap around field with frozen rock – 20 burpees / 20 Monkey Humpers (audible called to visually support the police officer that had pulled someone over in the parking lot).  Shift to right/hate Clark.

Lap around field with frozen rock – end at pull-up bar.  All PAX plank on frozen rock (now wet) while one PAX does 5 pull-ups on frozen bar while trying not to slip and break a pancreas on the frozen metal plate at the bottom.  Shift to next frozen rock until all PAX have completed 5 pull-ups each.  Clubber was ready for second round but time was running out.

Carry frozen rock back to rock pile.

Mosey around parking lot back to starting point.


IC Flutter kicks – 20(ish as PAX figured out this was YHC's second Q and some had not had opportunity to mess with me enough so counting was not linear)

IC Low Plank Hip Touch – 20 (apparently the "touch" part evaded some PAX as they ended up just wiggling in a low plank)

IC LBC – 19… because Zippie got me

Elbow to knee – OYO (Q gave up counting) – 10 each side

High Plank – 1 minute… then another minute.

Reflection: (left at home so providing now)

1 John 4:4: You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

We have a lot coming at us in this world.  Pressure, negative influences, hardships.  As men of faith, we have the ability to overcome, not due to our own abilities but due to His.  We train to keep our bodies strong.  We pray not to keep our spirit strong, but to step aside and let Him take control as "He is greater than he who is in the world."


– If not apparent, it was cold.  Not having gloves was close to a fatal flaw for YHC.  Lost ability to move fingers as we were progressing thru the frozen rock laps.  No one else seemed too bothered by it.  As such, I'm considering this Q failure.  Appreciate the group's patience as we got thru it.  On the bright side, it was sunny.

– There was some grumbling about the amount of running involved in a non-running workout.  Note – running was for heart rate management and were in short distances.

– Good to see the crew return from helping those in Lumberton.

– Prayer requests for Paul Ratcliff's family and healing for our injured PAX

It was a pleasure and honor to lead.

YHC = Kaczynski