Work, Boundaries, & Colossians 3:23

Event Date

Nov 16, 2018


An early start at the pre-Standard Standard 0435 we took a mile warm up (for Billy Bob and Don Ho) (my fastest mile in four months). Looped back around and picked up Big Montana for the regular Standard. 


Serious talk. BM, BB, and DH continues on for a 10k and JimmyO and I did a running with lower body pain stations around Birkdale Villiage Proper. 

Nacho Libre joined us for 3rd F where we wrestled with the questions…

In what ways are you being Christ-like at work? 

What conflicts do you encounter? What are some ways to overcome them?


a fun time had by all  then we saved unicorns, got a refill on coffee and set off to save the rest of the world