The Fab 5 Pillage and Plunge At The Viking!

Event Date

Nov 20, 2018


Well it only took 3 years and 9 months but YHC finally had the keys to the Viking.  It was a balmy 46 degrees out and I think I over layered…I was the only one not in just shorts.  Hey, I am still getting used to this early morning waking up thing and posting in sub 60 degree weather…

Ramrod comes strolling in right at 5:29 to make it the Fab Five and once he made it to the circle, we were off!

Warm O Rama-

Mosey to the well south end of the lot, take an extra lap and circle up.

SSHx 15 IC

Windmill x15 IC

Cotton Picker x15 IC

IST x15 IC

Toy Soldier x15 IC

Mountain Climbers x15 IC


Mosey to the north end of the park.  Oh look…there is the concession stand, veer left.

Peoples Chair, add air press x15 IC, add touch dem heels x15 IC,

Balls to the wall 30 seconds

That was fun, lets continue our Viking journey.  Thanks for pointing out that we were running away from the cars Jimmy-O…Poorly played and well notes.

Stop at the rock pile and grab a friend.

Exercises IC at the top, run down to the bottom of the hill.  5 Burpees. Run back up.  Get it? Got it? Good!

Squat to Press x15 IC

Skull Crusher x15 IC

Squats x15 IC

Curls x15 IC

Chest Press x15 IC

Rock Swings x15 OYO

Rocks back…continue the journey

Oh wait…there is the shelter.  Lets go pillage and plunge!

1 Legged step ups x10 OYO Each side

Incline Merkins x10 IC

Dips x10 IC

Decline Merkins x10 IC

Was going to call a repeato but those Derkins sucked.  We will continue to explore.

Mosey to the field…crap…where is the track…it is so damn dark here…Thanks gents for showing YHC the way.

At each light pole that was NOT on, drop down and give me LBCs x15 IC.

Oh…lets change it up on the last pole…lets fool the Pax with…Munky Humpers x15 IC 

About time to head back to our hips…up that damn hill…


My Abs Rock Yours (sounds good on paper but we know that ain’t the case for me)

Dying Cockaroacha x15 IC

Low Flutter x15 IC

Plank 30 Seconds


Recover Recover



It is evident that I lost Mayhem’s little contest of which Q will have the most Pax.  I recruited everyone there but Ramrod…thanks for showing buddy.

Hippie and Mayhem rocking the hill…

Solid mumblechatter out there today…especially when 5 dudes intimately get in a circle and perform monkey humpers…at least not in front of a school.

T Claps to Ramrod for the xtra credit on the people’s chair and dealing with leg cramps…way to push through

Whole lotta running, partying, playing going on in the LKN area…you will have something fun or painful to do. 

Plug for the Christmas Party and Operation Sweet Tooth.

Wishing everyone a blessed Thanksgiving!

An honor to lead you men today!

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never Take Anything For Granted!

Olive and Out!