Cue Country Roads!

Not listed but in attendance:  Wahlberger (sp?)

First, let me point out that Deep Dish was not in attendance.  Secondly, t-claps to Tagless for runnign the standard with me and for leading a short warmup joggy job for me while I tend to bitness at Starbucks.  As we moseyed back towards the theater, I stopped by my truck to slip on the IMHO the jersey of the greatest QB to ever grace a college football field since Pat White, Will Grier.  A couple of weeks ago, I called out Deep Dish on the twittersphere for voting for Kyler Murray from Oklahoma for the Heisman.  So I decided that today we would pay tribute to the most prolific QB/WR duo in CFB, #7 Will Grier to #13 David Sills V.  They have combined for 31 TDs over the past two years and lead CFB in said category during that same time.  When it's all said and done, they will likely be listed with CFB legends in that category.


Quick mosey around the traffic circle, back to the parking lot by the theater.

Circle up for the disclaimer.

All exercises in cadence unless otherwise stated.

7 carrot pullers to 13 seal jacks

7 wind mill to 13 toy soldiers

7 IST to 13 SSH


7 burpess to 13 shoulder touch Mericans

7 Carolina dry docks to 13 mountain climbers

7 touch dem heels in people's chair to 13 OH press in people's chair

7 air squats to 13 reverse alternating lunges

Mosey to rock pile and circle up under the bright lights.

7 full rock curls to 13 skull crushers

7 OH press to 13 bent over rows

We rotated a couple of times to mix up the rock usage before returning our little friends back home.

Mosey back to the street and indian run down to Fleet Feet and back to the fountain.

7 box jumps to 13 step ups

7 derkins to 13 dips

7 monkey humpers to 13 apollo ohno

Yes, I know, apollo ohno is awkward in cadence.

7×13 jack webb with Mericans and OH press; I called an audible at 10 because I did not want to upset Mountainer great, Steve Slaton.  So we stopped at with 10 of each exercise.  T-claps to Waffle House for that reminder.

Mosey down to Victoria's Secret and back to the fountain.


7 low flutter to 13 LBC

7 dying cockroach to 13 low dolly

7 crunchy frog to 13 russian twist

Recover, recover.


1.  If you consider jack webb to be one exercise, we finished with 31 total exercises which (by no coincidence) is the number of TDs DSills has caught from Will Grier.  

2.  Announcements included to tune in Friday night at 8pm for WVU vs Oklahoma, vote for Will Grier for Heisman, Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving, Black Friday convergence and sign up for the Christmas party.

3.  Did I mention that Deep Dish was not present?  Happy Thanksigiving, brother!  

Always an honor to lead in the gloom!


The Count