Testing Fate and Being Grateful

Event Date

Nov 21, 2018


10 Burpee penalty for no Shovel Flag…(seems to be working)

Toy Soldiers x 20 (IC)

Hill run…up the hill to the left of the islands, down the hill to the right of the islands.

Alligator Merkins x 20 (OYO)…YHC was advised these were very similar to a Dragon Walk Merkin

Not So Lazy Boys…feet 6" off ground with arms crossed around torso. Hold in various positions

Kraken Burpees x 20 (OYO)…Burpee with 3 Hand Release Merkins at the bottom


Underdogs x 20 (IC)…pull ups at down under bars

London Bridges x 20 (IC)…plank at wall and like alt shoulder taps but with hands on the wall

Flutter Kicks x 20 (IC)

One Calls…8 count Merkin with hand release and Floyd Mayweathers

Russian Dips x 20 (IC)…Dip with alternating leg extended each time you go down

Yule Brenners…7 flavors of Merkins x 2 (IC)…Regular, Wide, Dry Dock, Ranger, Diamond, Crucible, & Chuck Norris

One Arm Pickle Pounders x 10 (IC) each arm

Up Downs x 2 Rounds…Quick Feet Football Drill and each PAX gets a chance to call "Down"

Groiners x 13 (IC)…Plank position and move feet to side of hands and back



Sleeping Hillbillies x 10 (IC) each side…lay on your side with elbow and knee to meet in the middle


YHC shared two quotes he came across referencing being grateful.

"You cannot, at the very same time, be grateful and unhappy, or ungrateful and happy."

"It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things you lack."



Q Fail

Prayer Out


So if you checked out the Strava detail for this morning you can see we navigated to many new places around the AO…some even YHC has not done an exercise in his 2+ years. Personal and PAX favorite HAD to be watching Zippy take full delight in one arm pickle pounders in the neon light of the school sign in clear view of 73 traffic. (The disclaimer covers lewd acts right? #AFAF)

Abrams determined to be overdressed at the start and clearly was perterbed by being leashed to hang with the PAX as we moseyed from station to station. He finally got to throttle down when we determined we were out of time and were heading back to the launchpad.

Unbeknowgst to YHC, but A LOT of the new exercises he picked out were, how do you say it…not O-ring friendly, and brother Mater seemed to receive the brunt of the aftermath. He was advised to "breath thru his mouth" but not sure if that was good advice to follow.

Obvious above there was a theme to the workout (some we didn't get to and will make an appearance at some point) but YHC is truly thankful for F3 and our PAX. Each of you push me and others in some way…mentally, spiritually, physically, etc. and I/we thank you!

Marker is one of those. To see him come out having already put in work to lose weight and the short time he's been here to clearly be getting stronger, it's a great thing to see. (We may have even seen a smile on his face running the hills). Prayers up for his daughter as she travels back from ECU and hopefully she is back safe by now.

Praises go to the area Scouts as this past weekend they collected over 5,500 lbs of food for their donation drive to go towards the local christian ministry organization. Two weekends of hard work will feed a lot of families.

Bummed to miss the Football festivities tomorrow but have fun all and have a safe game. Kickoff at 0700 and no SVU workout. Enjoy the time spent with your families and friends over thie Thanksgiving break!
