Tuesdays we go fast at #Gaga

FNG -1 = Monk, who is not on website

13 souls braved the cold to go fast at #Gaga (4 chose the EZ route for the final time before deciding it's time to get fast)



It was cold…not going to lie, YHC was ready to get running.  Ghost even took off early to get warm. Snoopy showed up on Snoopy time warm enough to crush it.


The Thang:

Option 1:  5×1000's with a recovery.  As an engineer, it's embarrassing to miscalculate a route.  I had the 1000m pegged but somehow managed to have a .25km cooldown instead of .25mile.  Oops 🙁 Some figured it out, others like YHC didn't realize it until it was too late.  Sorry…but, we have a new segment !!!  And the winner is (unsurprisingly)… Find out here: https://www.strava.com/segments/19401332

Option 2: 6 EZ through Birkdale Village and on the greenway.  Appreciate Big M for stepping up (or being voluntold) and leading the EZ.  Nice to see them flyby the speedwork too.  

Recover Recover



  • Nice to see 9-Lives auditioning to be a GB in 2019.  Sweet stache brother
  • Christmas party is full – TC said so
  • Huntersville Half is coming fast.  Sign up for the 5K the night before to run with SpeedForNeed.  
  • Dewpoint 28 degrees this morning.  Gets that engine running on high gear fast !
