Trimming the lbs off after a long weekend

Event Date

Nov 26, 2018

7 men gathered after a long Holiday weekend for a nice Monday workout @ the Sword.  Everyone arrived for a small chat then a mosey around the parking lot to the the pull up bars for a warm-o-rama.


Side shuttle hop x25 IC


Cotton pickers x10 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

Everyone grabbed a block for the workout.

5 dead hang pullups

10 Merkins IC

15 squats IC

20 mountain climbers IC

25 low flutter IC

Push block to other side of parking lot

8 block burpees

10 curls with block IC

10 skull crushers with block IC

10 shoulder press IC

25 rock balboas IC

10 lawnmower each arm IC

run a big lap around the parking lot repeato 4 times.

LAst tome around stopped by the wall for a flip flop of 10 burpees/wall sits. 

Ran back put the blocks up for some mary.

25 low flutter IC

20 lbc IC

10 merkins IC

5 dead hang pull ups. Recover recover.  See if I can save this workout.  Thanks to all that came out.   Til next time.