Lear’s Fifth (5th) Anniversary F3RCUSA Post Comes with a Promise!

Shambala was wanting a Q for today, YHC was thinking….heck, the day after the the day after the Christmast Party at Cupcakes, Steelers (near 50% of RC Pax fans) were on late last night….NO ONE is going to be there today.  Low and behold, fourteen faithful emerged from the powerful fartsack to find out how the four corners of the First Presby church could be used to galvanize pain in some small way.  Here's how it went down. 

Warm ups (IC): SSH 20, IST 15, SDS 10

THE THANG: Mozy to corner of church, 1 burpee, Mozy to next corner, 1 Merican, mozy to next corner, 1 CDD, mozy to last corner, 1 squat (All IC, except the burpees).  Repeat doubling each time-2,4,8. Break, grab rocks from pile.  Lunge walk/press rocks along 'short' length of church building. Three (3) quick sets of curls (7's-constant), Skull crushers, Mil Presses, Bent Over Rows (12, 10, 8 IC for these last three). Lunge walk/press rocks back to burpee corner, 9 burpees. Zamp rocks to portico. 15 rock assisted LBC's, 15 rock assisted low flutter presses.  Zamp rocks to Merican corner.  16 Mericans IC (YHC modfied these, shamefully), Zamp rocks to CDD corner, 16 CDD's IC.  Zamp rocks to last corner, 16 Rock assisted squats IC, return rocks.  Back to burpee corner.  Finish out the last 7 burpees (to get to 16!). Mozy to pavillion, 3 sets of dips and inclines (10,10-10-8, 10-6). Mozy back up to the portico for…

Mary (IC): Russian Twist 15, Box Cutters/Cutter Boxes 10 each, R/L Elbow to opposite foot 10 each.  Recover, recover.


-Admittedly, this one got a little out of hand.  One can only imagine it must've been that it was LEAR'S FIFTH ANNIVERSARY WITH F3RCUSA!!.  That said, anything other than solid pain administration would be completely unacceptable.  

-The Pax pushed through everything, with awesome resolve….it nearly brought a tear to my eye (not really).

-Many of the Pax went to Coffeeteria to help Lear celebrate his 5th!

-Lear, during the COT, announced that today was his 5th Anniversary, and that he plans for 5 more years!  He THEN challenged ALL OF US to keep coming for at LEAST 5 more years (which of course we will…..WON'T WE??!!)

-Cupcake, on cue, grabs a boulder of a rock.  He was next to me and cranking out reps in that COP with uncanny strength…..I'd like him tested for PED's (or at least Ageless Male–is that stuff street legal?)

-Was fully expecting 1-2 guys to show today that YHC could talk into an extended coffeeteria instead of a pain session….not so fast!

-Porker's stache…..impressive.

-FTR, the 'pavillion' was an addon since y'all smoked the first 35 min so fast.  As such, it is an honor to lead such a studly group of eclectic men!!

-Shambala, thanks for the keys, sorry about the lack of #PB on The Tweeter:-0