Good Thing Outlaw Doesn’t Post at The Foundry

The MQ had asked several weeks ago for the pax to step up and cover open dates at The Foundry while he was on paternity leave. YHC had grabbed one of the few dates left that Don Ho had not pilfered. Having not been to The Foundry in several weeks, I had to review recent back blasts to see what the pax were accustomed to. It became immediately clear that they liked it hard. The harder the better (in typical #TWSS fashion).

There was a brief moment when it was just YHC and Jimmy O where we thought of moving straight to coffee, but then the minions started rolling in and we were forced to stick to the original plan. And by “original plan”, I mean plagiaraize a previous, sucky back blast.

Please refer to this backblast for an overview of this morning’s events. In place of Ab Solution, we did Pretzel Crunches and LBCs.


  • The pax were quick to point out that only 1 of the 4 corners was an actual corner. 
  • Kosar picked up on the stacking at the 3rd corner but never seemed to pick up on the 10-20-30-40 reps pattern. I’m sure it was the temperature and not the IQ though.
  • LFC is known for its unhealthy love affair for the burpee. The pax insisted that was all Qbert and Bam-Bam, but YHC saw through their transparency and gave them what they desired.
  • At #coffeeteria we were joined by Red October where we all donned our tinfoil hats and talked about AIs taking over the world
  • The pax are cordially invited to join me at Mighty Jungle tomorrow morning after which we intend to help Turncoat by manning a water station for the Huntersville Half.
  • Speaking of the Half, good luck and God speed to those running. Enjoy the relative warmth, finish with a PR and then get by the store before all the milk and bread are gone.