Gather at the School for SchoolBellz

Event Date

Dec 07, 2018

Somewhat chilly day at ELHS for #SchoolBellz with 9 hard working PAX.  The day went down as follows:

0500:  Run Standard with Hefty, Mater, and YHC.  And it looked like Marker was also running pre-workout.

0530:  After Ziploc planted the #shovel flag, we did:


  • Dynamic warm-up with high knees down to a light and back, then butt kickers same distance:
  • Circle up and disclaimer given.  Solid attempt by the Denver PAX to EH a walker getting into his car…I think we'll see him again.
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Shoulder warm-up:
  • Little baby arm circles (LBAC) forward x 15 IC (and keep arms at 90 degrees until told otherwise)
  • Overhead claps x 15 IC
  • Dirty Bird x 15 IC (downward claps)
  • Air presses x 15 IC
  • LBAC backwards x 15 IC, arms down
  • The Lieutenant Dan:  (with kettle bell)
  • 1 lunge each side, 10 squats, 2 lunges each side, 9 squats, etc., all the way to 10 lunges and 1 squat.
  • We were making our way across the parking lot to the school.
  • Smoked, we put our KBs down and ran back to the cars, then back to the school.

The KB Thing:

  • KB overhead press x 10 IC
  • Balls to the Wall (BTTW) for 30 seconds
  • KB overhead press x 8 IC
  • Balls to the Wall (BTTW) for 30 seconds

Quick break from upper body:

  • Elbow plank x 1 min to catch breath
  • Low flutters x 25 IC

Back to the bells:

  • KB High Pulls x 11 IC  (totally on purpose, not really!)
  • Mosey to top of parking lot hill and back
  • KB High Pulls x 10 IC
  • Quadraphilia up hill and back
  • KB High Pulls x 9 IC

Around the school to grab cinder blocks.  We grabbed 10 to have 1 extra for the 9 PAX.

  • Push the block on ground a ways, then back

With 1 PAX as a "timer", he would farmer's carry 2 blocks a ways while everyone else did AMRAP exercises:

  • Block curls
  • Block skull crushers
  • Block overhead presses
  • Block squats
  • LBCs (without blocks)
  • Block curls

Return the blocks, Zamporini carry on the way back.  Mosey back to the bells.

  • Return to start-ex holding our KBs in a flexed curl position


  • Elbow plank x 30 seconds ish.

Recover, recover.  Accoring to Strava, we covered 1.4 miles.


A very humble one.  My Mom passed away 19 years ago on Dec 5, 1999.  Humble suggestion for the PAX if your folks are still with us on Earth, give them a call this weekend.


  1. Prayers up for Stitches' grandma Marie Parker.  Her time on this earth is short and we prayed for her and her family.
  2. Stitches was our WB (28) and dominated this workout as usual.
  3. Boone (35) was the only other "hate" present and he also looked fast and spry.
  4. Marker (60 – Double Respect!) was our WD.  Mentioned this was workout #20 over the past 6 weeks, awesome!  Keep at it bud, nice to meet you today.
  5. Good catching up with Crawdad again.  He made the trip to YHC's beloved AO "The Estate" last Saturday… 
  6. …which Ziploc Q'd and was awesome.  Always good to catch up with my GRH006 brother!  Having a variety of Qs makes an AO better in my humble opinion.  During the farmer's carries Ziploc tried to sneak away too far.  Overheard:  "I'm going home", lol.
  7. Strudel, great job on your VQ yesterday bud!  It was well worth the 25 minute trip for Ramrod and I.  Seriously though, not to stoke the SVU vs. Mustang rivalry, but SVU is FAR for Huntersville folk!
  8. Thanks for the 2nd F on our run today Mater and Hefty.  Good catching up with you guys. 
  9. Hefty is getting fast these days!
  10. Appreciate the opportunity to lead these fine men.  Checks calendar…sorry hadn't been to School Bellz since Nov 2017 but I really hope to be back more.  Twas a fine morning.
