The Weather Outside Was Frightful, but for the Three Amigos it was Delightful

Event Date

Dec 10, 2018

The weather outside was frightful

But for the Three Amigos it was delightful

With a Kettle Bell Under Cover we were a Go

Let it Snow, Let It Snow, Let it Snow


It didn’t show signs of stoppin’ so we started with Side Straddle Hoppinx25

Followed by Windmillx10, ISTx10, Moroccan Night Clubx50, ‘Mericansx10 and Carrot Pullersx10 down low

Let it Snow, Let It Snow, Let it Snow


When we finally started the Ladder (15x, 10x, 5x) we worked out with little chatter

Curls, Skull Crushers and Bent over Rows

Let it Snow, Let It Snow, Let it Snow


There was no runnin’. How I hate going out in the storm

So, we performed cardio in between sets, the Side Straddle Hop kept us warm


We moved on to Squats, Deadlift and Calf Raisin’

With breaks for Dips which felt Amazin’

Mixin’ it up with some Lt. Dansx10 to work our Pegs

Oh I don’t know why I can’t feel my Legs


Even though my legs were dyin’

The workout has started flyin’

We moved on to Overhead Press, Upright Rows, and Chest Press

In between we did LBCs and ‘Mericans’ to put ourselves to the test


We finished with Jump Squatsx25, Peoples Chair, Air Pressx10 and Balls to the Wall

All while the Snow really started to Fall


Now it was time for Some Mary

While the Storm Started to look Scary

Scissor Kick, Rosaletta, Pretzel Crunch, Jane Fonda, Touch those Heals (Yosemite), Pretzel Pelvis Lift (Omega) was the flow, Let it Snow, Let It Snow, Let it Snow


We were done now, so there was some high fivin’

And now it was time for Goodbyin’

But not so fast, before your Go

Omega and Yosemite gave my car a push out of the Snow!