Hammer of the Gods

Event Date

Dec 11, 2018


8 men came to the land of ice and snow, under midnight sun where no hot springs flowed. It was a treacherous adventure, but no PAX were lost on the field of battle.

Their epic journey will be remembered in legend and tales of lore!



  • Mosey to the parking lot in NMP, and do 1 lap
  • 10 Burpees OYO to warm everyone up
  • Windmill x15 IC
  • Forward Fold
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Mosey to the far pavilion


The Thang:

  • Step Ups x15 each leg
  • Incline Merican  x10 IC
  • Dips x10 IC
  • Decline Mericans x5 IC (the plan was to do 10, but Amen caused a great commotion!)
  • Squats x15 IC
  • Step Ups x15 each leg
  • Mosey to the rock pile, and choose your weapon
  • Full Curl x10 IC
  • Shoulder Press x10 IC
  • Skull Crusher x10 IC
  • Squat x10 IC
  • Chest Press x10 IC
  • Low Curl x10 IC
  • High Curl x10 IC
  • Shoulder Press x10 IC
  • Skull Crusher x10 IC
  • Mosey to front pavilion
  • Peoples Chair 1 min
  • Bear Crawl to the other side
  • Balls/Butts to the Wall 1 min
  • Mosey to the picnic tables
  • Australian Pull Ups on the picnic tables x8 IC (these suck!)
  • Incline Mericans x10 IC
  • Dips x10 IC
  • Australian Pull Ups x7 IC
  • Incline Mericans x10 IC
  • Dips x10 IC
  • Australian Pull Ups x5 IC
  • Mosey to the church



  • J Lo x10 IC (Amen)
  • V Ups x10 IC
  • W x10 IC (Tagless)
  • Flutter Kicks x10 IC (Stapler)



  • Conditions were less than ideal, and major props go to those who posted!
  • Thanks to Travolta for calling a convergence for Gladiator, and actually posting himself.
  • 1/2 Thanks to Ultraman for calling a convergence for Fartlek, but not posting.  At least Tagless showed!  He almost never misses one of my Qs, which i sincerely appreciate, but also makes me seriously question his mental stability!??
  • Stapler posted, even though he was part of the Viking Q challenge, and caused a tie between himself and your humble correspondent.  He did have a dog at his, so that may put him over the top!
  • It was good to have Fescue out with us.  It was during one of his Qs at Viking that I asked for a couple of minutes to try the Australian Pull Ups on the picnic tables.  Those were a real crowd pleaser!!
  • Omar was quiet today, and just went about his business of crushing it, as usual!
  • Kosar came in hot to the parking lot, and then waited in his warm car until the last minute.  He then proceeded to pass everyone on the runs and bear crawls, in typical Kosar fashion!
  • Amen emerged from his battle van with hood up and tied, and full face mask, but with shorts on!???
  • Thanks to Mayhem for the reins, and to the PAX for coming out in these crazy conditions!