Endocarditis can bite this

Eleven PAX joined me for a chilly and rainy morning workout on what I refer to as my heartiversary (a celebration of my open heart surgery back in 2016). The PAX were considerate as I gave a poorly rehearsed speech explaining the day. I gave a disclaimer as well, though all attendees seemed to be veterans of F3 and even of most of Roadie’s workouts. Regardless – always provide a disclaimer.

So considering the rain and because today’s workout was heart-related (to me), I made the compassionate decision to limit the exercises to “cardio” and only invoked ones where we’d be moving on our feet. The casualty of that decision is of course “Six minutes of Mary”. Given the rain nobody was going to miss a wet ass.

Warmup was the normal bag of tricks, SSH, Windmill, Imperial Storm Trooper, and Toy Soldier

For The Thang, we ran down the parking lot to the point just after the island between the parking lots exist (basically where Stapler had us running when he brought all of those toys).  From that position, the routine began. Here’s the pattern:

  • 10 Allen Iversons, then run up the hill to the lot in front of the pavillion, once there we perfomed
  • 10 Rocky Balboas, then run up the hill to the Shovel Flag, once there we perfomed
  • 10 Monkey Humpers, then run across the driveway to the crosswalk (yes The General has a crosswalk), once there we perfomed
  • 10 Jump Squats, then run up the hill to the gate, once there we perfomed
  • 10 Apolo Ohnos, then run up the hill to the entrance, once there we perfomed
  • 10 burpees (the “moving on our feet” thing was mostly true but you need burpees at a workout. That’s a rule I think).
  • Once those were done, we ran back to the bottom and repeated the pattern, each time subtracting one from each exercise.

We were able to complete the pattern from 10s through 5s. If we subtracted one station or this was a one-hour Saturday workout, I believe we could have finished.



Nope. Not even a single pickle pounder.



I said a lot before the workout about my surgery and Toxic said some very nice things about me when he prayed us out. No need to wax poetic again beyond a simple thank you to all my F3 brothers.


Age stats for nerds

  • Mean: 49.3 (average of the recorded ages)
  • Median: 49 (age in the middle of those recorded)
  • Mode: 49 (age that occurred the most)
  • Max: 55 (highest age)
  • Min: 42 (lowest age)
  • Standard Deviation: 3.72034 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)


For your enjoyment – Toxic’s gloves

Toxic's Gloves