Snow Days

Event Date

Dec 15, 2018


FNGs are Hooper and Paddle

Good to see a nice turnout!

25 IC Mtn Climbers
25 IC Windmills
25 IC Tony Hawks
No Bear Crawls, Crawl Bears, Bear Crawl Ring of Fires, etc.  Q decided to add some different workouts:
Road Work:
Run from AO to the Clubhouse: last in line drops for 3 Merkins, before running to the front.
At the Clubhouse: OYO 10 Merkins, 10 WWI Sit-ups, repeat until 100 of each
Run from the Clubhouse to the AO: last in line drops for 3 Merkins, before running to the front.
It was cold and rainy by the clubhouse.  It must have been the lake effect weather.
The Workout (Circuit X 2):
1 pax Quadraphilia to the top of LBH (Crepe Ridge; right from AO) with 3 burpees at the top, then run forward down the hill, back to the AO.
Stations are:
  – Tire Flip (Michelle) up and down the parking lot
  – Colt 45s (see below)
  – Box the Ringside Reflex bag
  – Jump rope
  – Elf on the Shelf (see below)
  – Cinder block squats
  – Cinder block skull crushers
  – Cinder block row
Colt 45  Cinder Block Curls:
15 reps go from the bottom of the movement up to the halfway point (with your arms at a 90 degree angle and hands at elbow level).
15 reps go from the halfway point up to the top of the bicep curl (hands up near shoulder level).
15 reps start at the bottom of the movement and complete a full range of movement all the way up.
Elf on the Shelf:
This exercise is done with one concrete block. Start with the block on the ground beside you. Grab the block and lift it from the ground across your body reaching up as high as you can. Like putting it on a shelf. After a set from right to left then do left to right. Named after some Elf on the Shelf mumble chatter at a workout around Christmas time.
Isaiah 55:10
For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater
God's word is a nourishment for people, just as water is to plants. It causes us to grow by reading it, and produces good things in our lives and others. When we speak the word of God to others, it causes a seed to be planted in their lives.
Thanks all,