Calling Audibles of Audibles at #GAGA

Event Date

Dec 11, 2018


FNG1 = Heely. Still not on website, stil really fast

9 (sorta) PAX were eager to get back on the roads after last weekends snow and ice keep many cooped up inside.  It didn't take long to realize we had to adjust on the fly.  

As many LKN PAX know, #OnTuesdaysWeGoFast at GAGA, but with weather conditions less than ideal, YHC made the call to audible away from speed work for some longish miles and preblasted 8 miles launching from Birkdale SBUX as opposed to our normal Robbins Park launch.


0500:  8 bundled up PAX debated the different routes to avoid the ice and we took off


0510:  YHC thought the best option would be to remain on the main roads as they were most likely to be plowed and we headed off up Birkdale Commons.  It took about 4.7 seconds to realize this was going to be an extremely risky and dangerous endeavor.  We made it about .25 miles before deciding to bail and head back to the village.  Ghost and Heely had enough early and headed to the cars to catch some miles later in the day (it was on Strava later in the day, so it must be true).  The rest of the PAX settled for laps around Birkdale Village ranging from 4-6 miles. 

Recover Recover

Moleskin – 

  • Good work by all PAX this morning.  In case anyone was wondering, laps around Birkdale Village are just terrible
  • Ghost and Heely were clearly the smartest in the bunch opting for later miles
  • Little Finger is killing it lately, first Huntersville Half and Oak Island full coming soon. You're gonna crush it.
  • Big Montana and Auto just follow the plan. Looking forward to seeing you both crush Myrtle Beach Marathon
  • DonHo runs more miles for a guy with no race on the calendar than anyone I know.  Thanks for the fellowship and keeping me going out there this morning.
  • Turnpike gets credit for this workout even though he clearly didn't read the pre-blast and showed up for a sad clown at Robbins Park.  Someone should get that guy a bell or something.
  • Thanks PopTart for the opportunity to lead these men, we missed you out there.

