We stretched our balls and made Moses moan. . .

Event Date

Dec 15, 2018


It was a cold and misty morning, but two stalwart dudes showed up to keep me warm and cozy. Then we did this:

  • Twice around the field
  • X-Games (Star Jump)
  • Papa Bear Crawls (shins parallel to the ground)
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Girl Fights
  • Super Slow Crab Toe Touches
  • Card Table Plank (with incremental adjustments)
  • Folding Card Table
  • Overhead Plank
  • Home Stretch with Rock
  • Al Gore with Rock
  • Squat Shoulder Presses with Rock
  • Full Curls with Isometric Hold
  • Skull Crushers with Isometric Hold
  • Super Slow Bent-Over Rows
  • Lower Back Raises
  • Squat Pulses
  • Jackknife
  • Oblique V-Ups
  • Metronomes
  • Upward Dog
  • Superman Pulses
  • Super Slow Freddie Mercurys

Moses–usually the last one to let it be known that he's struggling–actually moaned (or was it groaned?) during some of the deviant exercises, so I took that as high praise. The goal of a Jersey Boy workout is always to create soreness in strange places and Waffle House said something about an exercise stretching his balls, so. . .mission accomplished! (He may have meant something to do with his feet, but that's certainly not how we responded to it.)

We supped at Great Harvest, with YHC treating his guests to a bag a bacon and an endless cup of coffee each. This is the kind of attention that BRP attendees get for showing up on Saturdays, gentlemen! The conversation had no awkward silences.

It was a privilege to work out with (and hang out with) two of my favorite men in F3.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out new ways of making Moses moan and stretch out Waffle House's balls.