Mr Holland and Kosar in a classic duel at Mighty Jungle

Event Date

Dec 15, 2018

As Blackbeard was working the PAX at The Estate for 67 minutes, we had a friendlier nice little 59 minute ish workout at Mighty Jungle.  Apologies for the late backblast.  To the best of my memory, below is what we did.

0605:  Mr Holland and YHC for ~4.2 miles of a nice run standard.  We stayed in neighborhoods where The Count et al and Blackbeard live.  



  • Dynamic warm-up including high knees, butt kickers, and exaggerated long striders
  • Circle up near the cinder blocks, and disclaimer given
  • Press Jacks x 15 IC
  • Burpees x 5 OYO (good ones)
  • Side power lunges x 15 IC
  • Burpees x 5 OYO (good ones – the last set we'll do all day)
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Mountain climbers x 15 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Elbow plank x 30 seconds.  HOLD for: 
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • IST x 15 IC

The thing:

With the threat of rain, we grabbed 1 cinder block each and headed for cover.  Kosar took a straight line while everyone else followed the contours of the parking lot.  Partner up, size does not matter:

  • Partner 1:  Front shoulder press (and keep count) while partner 2 carries block overhead a short ways and back.
  • Flip flop and repeato until 100 reps achieved per team.  Elbow plank until all teams finished.
  • Partner 1:  Block squats x 20 OYO while partner 2 does mountain climbers AMRAP
  • Flip flop and repeato until 120 reps achieved (3 sets each).  Elbow plank until all teams finished.

Recovery mosey around the parking lot.  Back to the blocks.

  • Partner 1:  Incline block Mericans x 20 while partner 2 holds the Al Gore position
  • Flip flop, then repeato.
  • Partner 1:  Single count low flutters while partner 2 bear crawls a ways.
  • Flip flop then repeato until 200 low flutters achieved per team.

Recovery mosey around the parking lot.  Back to the blocks.

  • Partner 1:  Single count low flutters while partner 2 farmer carries both blocks a ways.
  • Flip flop then repeato until 200 low flutters achieved per team.

Then everyone did:

  • Overhead block press x 10 IC
  • Block curls x 10 IC
  • Quad stretches thrown in at this point
  • Bent over block rows x 12 IC
  • Hamstring stretches thrown in at this point, followed by calf raises x 10 OYO
  • Bent over block rows x 12 IC
  • Slow deep block squats x 25 IC

Carry blocks back to their place, doing curls x AMRAP along the way.

It was time for another mosey.  No, a sprint actually.  Wanted to see if anyone was up for the challenge of taking down Kosar.  Turns out…Mr Holland was up for the challenge!  It was a glorious thing to see our WB hold off the athletic specimen that is Kosar in a sprint.  Well done gents, you were both flying.

Circle up for Mary:

  • 100s.  Oh sorry, let's stay dry so…
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 10 IC
  • Hold Al Gore until time.

Recover, recover, at 0759…no wait, there are the bells!  We covered just over 2 miles according to Strava.


  1. T-Claps to Mr Holland for joining me for a run standard despite the threat of getting lost.  Appreciate the 2nd F and the tours of the Christmas lights bud.  Attempted to mix in some different stuff knowing you were at Hollywood on Wednesday where YHC had the Q.
  2. Kosar was my partner today and my dude is a beast.  Because former wrestlers like him are pros at bear crawls, he did way more than his fair share of low flutters.  Appreciate you bringing some items to use under shelter…Cobains that I totally forgot to use them.  *shrug*
  3. Saw Knockout for the 2nd straight day, we were at Little Finger's VQ on Friday.  The question became:  when will Knockout Q?
  4. YHC believes Ultraman can keep up with the younger Mr Holland on a sprint.  But as he wisely stated, at a certain age you just don't do that!  Saw Ultraman Friday as well at The Cauldron.  In case you don't know, he has quite the vertical jumping ability. 
  5. Frogger with the strong 9 mile run before the workout.  Crushed it bud.  And mumble chatter on point as always.
  6. Appreciate former Mighty Jungle MQ Rocket and regular Topgun keeping YHC in check around what we could do at this AO and where.  It was a little intimidating to read Blackbeard's email about the restrictions here but overall I'd say this AO is fantastic.  Great crew too.  Top Gun keeps an honest and loud count, which is helpful when PAX like Frogger try to incog the counts.  Rocket got a hold of the Weinke at one point and interpretted it as "warm up then coffee" which was actually a fairly solid desciption.
  7. Mighty Jungle proved to be the friendlier workout in the "MQ Swap" with Blackbeard.  We did way less Burpees (only 10), mixed in some stretching, and ended ~15 seconds early instead of 7 minutes late!  Appreciate the opportunity to lead bud and appreciate you making The Estate regulars work extra hard and into overtime.
