Perseverance through Feliz Navidad

Event Date

Dec 20, 2018

Not listed in Pax list:  Heisman (recently named) and NoFry (renamed with adult F3 nickname Zare today)

Jog to traffic circle.  Well, complaints from the Pax (Burner had to speed up to let YHC know), so stop and wait at Queen's Corner (QC).

Warm-o-rama at QC.  SSHs x 18, ISTs x 18.  Arm circles while Pax discussing edible penis cookies made by NoFry in Toxic's kitchen.

With permission from Pax (not really), mosey to the top of the hill.

Get rocks, bring them to the pain circle, partner up.


Helping Hand x 10 ea arm.  Correct, NoFry – we don't need rocks for this.


While partner 1 runs to QC, runs back… partner 2 Burpees AMRAP, then flapjack til partners reach 50 total.  All groups completed with each partner running just once.  #impressed 

Next, same concept but for 150 Merkins.  

Hey look – we have rocks!  Ok, let's use them.

Combination of sets of low, high, full curls and shoulder presses.


Rocks down, everyone mosey to QC

Freddy Mercuries.  Steady, fast, faster, steady, sloooooow.


Partner carry back to top (cuz our rocks are there).  Flapjack as needed.


Bent over rows, Curls, Bent over swings


Full Curls while we slow-mosey to the rock pile.  Rocks away

Partner-carry down to QC.

Line up.  Partner 1s sprint to park entrance (which is uphill).  3 seconds later, partner 2s sprint.  2 seconds later, partner 2s pass most of partner 1s.  #justsayin'

Home Court was closed to construction, so circle up in the not-so-smooth parking lot behind YHC's truck.

Jorel calls a Mary excercise while Toxic is on the big, long, thick, black rope.  This is called MWAR.

Pause.  YHC has speaker ready, Music ready.

Feliz Navidad – plank it out while the song plays, AND

  • Plank hand to elbow (Mahktar Ndyai) down on each "Feliz Navidad", back up on next "Feliz Navidad"
  • 2 leg mtn climbers on each "Merry Christmas" 

Holiday MWAR – that's MWAR with Christmas music playing.  Pax called, so we did some V-ups (Ultraman), 18 Dying Cockroaches (Toxic calling while NoFry was on the ropes for an extended period).  Seems like one more, not sure.

The Merry Moleskine

  • Read above for comments thrown in throughout.
  • Welcome back Kotter to Peaches.  Great to have you with us.
  • Welcome Heisman – recently named, EH'ed by Burner and endured his 1st post today at The Wilderness.  He made Burner and Peaches their own F3 shirts w/ their F3 names on the back and brought them today.  I'm certain he'll bring me one next time he posts at The Wilderness.
  • NoFry (son of YHC) was nicknamed years ago as a 2.0 after his first post.  Upon discussion with numerous Pax over the past year, it was decided that a 2.0 given a 2.0-like nickname at a young age who comes back and posts after the age of 18 can be renamed with a permanent F3 nickname (but is not required to be renamed).  NoFry was renamed "Zare" today.  Zare was Job's father in the bible.  Zare raised Job and was an influencer and leader by example to Job.  Search the bible and you will be referred to Job.  NoFry (now today "Zare") has modeled the character trait of perseverance throughout his life and leads by example.  That explanation was 8 minutes shorter than during COT. Cobains.
  • Continue prayers for the family, friends and FiA Nation around Digits, who was struck and killed this week during a running workout in Lexington, SC.