Surpise Q at Excelsior

Event Date

Dec 22, 2018

4 pax either got in a run and/or beatdown at the hands of YHC and/or Frodo (not listed on the website yet). Here is their story:


YHC met The Standard for ~3.25 miles


YHC ran ~4 miles while Frodo led a 12 days of Christmas beatdown with Turncoat & Professor

Recover recover 



  • YHC came back from The Standard to Frodo setting up a 12 Days of Christmas beatdown complete with laminated signs and everything. Someone get him signed up to Q more than his standard 2 times per year. 
  • TClaps to Prof & TC for jumping in to support Frodo. YHC had no clue this was going on today but jumped in on day 7 after a sad clown run for Excelsior.
  • Frodo you need to sign up to Q and pre-blast this beatdown next year. If you PB it, the pax will come…ugh…wait…crap (sigh).
  • YHC has learned after almost 4 years of F3 to never have expectations when showing up to Q. It never goes as planned but the pax always make it worth getting out of the fartsack. Thanks for the opportunity to Q at Excelsior Tantrum. Until the next time…