Boxing Day Tempo at Half Life

Warm-o-Rama: One big lap of Bailey Road Park (approximately 1 mile)

The Thang: 24 minute tempo run around the Bailey Road Middle School track (approximately 3 miles). The purpose of this workout is to improve lactate threshold, or in other words, to be able to run at a quick pace for extended periods of time. Yes, 12+ laps around a track is boring. But there's no better place than a flat track for measuring out effort. 

NOTE 1: Today's effort should have been tough but sustainable for an extended period. Think 10K pace. For those who measure heart rate were talking 88-92% range. Or if pace is more your thing that would look like:

4:00 marathon – 8:25 pace (2:05 per lap)

3:45 marathon – 8:00 pace (1:59)

3:30 marathon – 7:25 pace (1:51)

3:15 marathon – 7:00 pace (1:44)

3:00 marathon – 6:25 pace (1:36)

NOTE 2: I've made it a point the last 2 weeks that we're not running for distance on the track; we're running for time. Time is more quantifiable across all abilities, because, well, 24 minutes is 24 minutes whether you run a 10 minute mile or 5 flat. With that said, you should be checking your pace as you run on the track. Even better – you should be taking lap splits to make sure your pace isn't deviating too much from the goal. And that brings me to the final

NOTE 3: As you venture out from lane 1 on the track you're gradually running farther. So that 2 minute lap you're running (8:03/mile pace) is really a 7:25 pace when you're cruising along in lane 6. Know this ahead of time and adjust accordingly. Or run in lane 1 and "stack up" with runners of a similar ability. Then you can be confident that you're all running the same pace instead of sucking wind and wondering why this dude who promised me 8 minute miles is throwing down 7:30s. 

Totally unsolicited extra advice: If you're one of the cool kids you'll even volunteer to take a turn pulling at the front of your pace group and you'll temporarily move to lane 2 when other groups need to pass.

Cooldown: Short run through the bus lot back to Bailey Road Park

Naked Man Moleskine: T-claps to Ghost, Freepass and Garcia for biting on the 5:00am morning-after-Christmas #standard. The miles flew by with talk of double-digit interest rates, aero-bars & carbon wheels and Freepass' 2019 travel schedule. Here's to making a run at Tom Stuker's record.

Garcia – you asked me to deliver the Goatbusters. Merry Christmas.

Ghost, Lego, Hoodie – you guys are looking fit and ready to crush (Ghost: crew) Myrtle Beach. Hope the "easy" jaunt around Davidson went well.

Little Finger, The Count – great running with you all again this morning. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress over the next couple of months. 

TBone, TBone, TBone – just HC to Myrtle already. 

Heely – You were there. But I can't select your name on the website. Glad to see you out getting in the early miles.

Everyone Who Wasn't There – Come join us at Half Life next week! We're doing new things and with the timed format our workouts are adaptable to every effort level and ability, even those just getting started. Throughout 2019 HL will be geared towards general running fitness through a mixture of workouts that target aerobic development, lactate threshold  and vo2max improvement as well as pure speed. Hope to see you out on the track soon.