psst “just reuse a kettlebell workout…nobody will notice”

Disclaimer provided. We had a solid group of regulars this morning plus Stray. First time meeting him but I’ve seen his name around for a while. Glad to have you at TMO today sir!


  • SSH x20
  • Windmill x8
  • Carrot Pullers x10
  • Imperial Storm Trooperx10

The Thang

  • Crowd Pleasers AKA “Bam Bams”
    • This is a merkin-groiner ladder. Do 1 of each, then 2, then 3 up to 5, then back down to 1.

Grab a block
Astute researchers from the Library of Congress, who have no doubt been painstakingly documenting the Lake Norman region’s backblasts, will immediately recognize the similarity between this workout and the prior workout I Q’d at Dragon Slayer (a kettlebell workout).  Being naturally lazy I pulled out that workout’s index card for today’s workout and proclaimed, “It worked once before. Let’s do the same stuff with cinderblocks.”  Yeah…no. Much harder unless you’re Uncle Rico with a 45# bell.

  • Goblet Squat – 10 IC
  • Right side Lawnmower Pulls – 10 IC
  • Chest Squeeze (squeeze the block in between your palms, you’re not gripping it or holding the side handles, with arms extended but not locked. We raise and hold, then lower and hold, on the Q’s “up” or “down”. The ups were about 10 seconds, the downs were about 5 seconds)
  • Stack the Shelf (right side) – 10 IC
  • Full Curl – 10 IC
  • Skull Crusher – 10 IC
  • The Hodor – maybe we did 6?
    • These run on a 6 count.
    • [starting position] Hold the block out in front of you
    • [On 1] squat down with the block still out front
    • [On 2] stand back up
    • [On 3} block over the head like you’re setting up for skull crushers
    • [On 4] squat down with the block up over your head
    • [On 5] stand back up
    • [On 6] Return the block to the starting position
  • Stack the Shelf (left side) – 10 IC
  • KB lunge – 10 IC
  • Left side Lawnmower Pulls – 10 IC
  • Return the blocks


  • Mosey back to the vehicles where we did a crowd favorite – 11’s.
  • The exercise of pain was the Burpee. The exercise of relief (?) was the WWII Sit-up. The workout is a Ladder (Start with 10 burpees, run 2 islands worth in the parking lot, do 1 WWII sit-up, run back and decrement/increment until complete).  Kosar, Swing State, and Travolta were so strong here they finished early AND then knocked out one more rep of 10 burpees and 10 WWIIs. Amazing. Seriously.


  • Freddy Mercuries (Roadie)
  • Low Flutter (Omar)
  • Alphabet (Ram Rod)
  • Low Dolly (Stray)
  • Mason Twist (Rocket)
  • ? (Cousin Eddie)
  • Squat (Kosar)


  • Swing State announced an new initiative he’s kicking off this year to get the PAX to be more accountable, both to themselves and to their peers. You choose your own adventure here. I’m sure we’ll hear more about it from Swing State soon.

Age stats for nerds

  • Mean: 41.7 (average of the recorded ages)
  • Median: 41.5 (age in the middle of those recorded)
  • Mode: 41 (age that occurred the most)
  • Max: 52 (highest age)
  • Min: 32 (lowest age)
  • Standard Deviation: 6.37791 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)