3 Pax Destroy the New Year’s Resolutions of Camp Gladiator by Listening to Ozzy’s Boneyard

Event Date

Jan 02, 2019

Warm O'Rama

  • Disclaimer provided
  • Christmas and New Year's pleasantries exchanged with Freedom and NiteStick
  • We slow mosey'd over to the station
  • SSH x20 IC
  • Merican x12 IC with:
    • Hands on curb for deep push
    • Alternating side step out
  • Freedom and I witness Strutter coming in hot~ish

The Main Thang

I promised a weighted workout.   I had no idea how much to expect the day after New Year's but planned to be audible ready. 

Round 1 of exercises 3x:

  • 30 side to slide slams of the battle ropes
  • Man maker Merican with 15 lb weights (Note:  burping and farting was optional during this exercise.  Strutter took full advantage like George Costanza with a plate of shrimp)
  • WW2 AMRAP while Battle Ropes completes

Round 2 of exercises 3x:

  • 12 slam balls with Big Bertha – a 40 lb dead bounce slam ball
  • Squat and curls with the 20 lb dumbbells AMRAP while Big Bertha slam completes
  • Hold high plank while Big Bertha slam completes

Round 3 of exercises 3x:

  • 16 side to side slams balls with the 20 lb dead bounce slam ball
  • Russian twists with the 20 lbs medicine ball with handles
  • Squats with two 10 lbs weights that you press out in front of you and then pull back in 

Group Exercises

  • The Pax use the 40 lb, 20 lb and 15 lb slam balls and throw them up the incline deck – the 40 lb is overhead, the 20 lb is side throw and the 15 lb is thrown Scottish Caber style – up to the arrows and back – switch balls until the Pax have done all 3 variations
    • One pax does a bear crawl while pushing the 15 lb slam ball up to the top – the others hold plank or Al Gore. Once that Pax taps out, the next one takes over pushing the ball.  The last Pax takes the ball back down pushing a slam ball while bear crawling

Recover, recover

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • Strutter got caught in traffic and went with a PB&J, ramen noodles and coffee dinner
    • It wasn't a good look, sound or smell but he made it through the day
  • Freedom has been on sabbatical due to illness but put a gritty, determine performance
  • YHC loves this workout group and Pax and tried to have good music. 
    • We started on a Pandora channel that sucked – Summer Hits of the '90s
    • We went to a Sirius channel – that sucked – Pearl Jam radio
    • Then we went to Ozzy's Boneyard and killed it. 
  • During the heaviest parts of Ozzy's Boneyard the good folk who had New Year's Resolutions were rolling out of the Camp Gladiator 3rd floor experience.  They were impressed with our occasional Air Guitar and definitely would have voted for us on one of those reality shows. 
  • We played traffic control by stopping an accident before the workout, and then advising the CG folks to turn on their lights when exiting the parking deck. 
  • Everyone grabbed a single cocktail and told stories at Main St Tavern.