Don’t Fool Yourself

Event Date

Jan 05, 2019


7 appeared from the gloom, looking to punch the sloth in the mouth and start the day out right.  A couple questions about the 5-gallon buckets sitting mischievously in the parking lot…more on that later.  Here's how it went down.
(FNG-1 is Hooper, Shredder's 2.0, one of the regulars)

20x SSH
15x windmills
20x mountain climbers
15x ISW
10×8 merkin T-planks
20x dippy birds (10/leg)

P.Lot Fun (do ___ up and mosey back):
butt kickers
high knees
karaoke left
karaoke right
monkey walk left
monkey walk right
crawl bear  ***crowd pleaser

Go Get Blocks
10x pull ups
10x trifectas
20x bent over block rows

Return to P.Lot for…

The Circuit Thang…rotate after Runner returns
1. Runner to the mailbox/back (~150 yards)
2. Block Squat Thrusters
3. Block walk over merkins
4. Block burpees
5. 2×40# Farmers Carry walk
6. jump rope
7. plank

The Abs Thang
15x WWI
15x Low Dolly
15x Heels to Heaven
10/15x Partner Foot Push back
15x Peter Parkers

The Circuit Thang repeat-o

The Abs Thang repeat-o

Blocks Back
10x pull ups
10x trifecta
20x bent over block rows

Plenty o' abs throughout the workout
That's It

Proverbs 3:5  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding."
Proverbs 21:2  "Every man's way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart."
– sometimes I really think I have things figured out, how foolish
– I need to seek God's will instead of moving forward with YHC's plan
– Don't fool yourself.  Lean on the Creator for direction.
– Prayers that we open our hearts and listen to His will and guidance.  And do.

– QFail on directions for the block burpees; pax survives
– Anvil killing the double-unders; impressive
– Metro still leads the pax in any bear crawl alternative; crawl bears uphill are not easier
– Anvil has become a proud Alabama fan, knowing that this will surely doom the Crimson Tide…haha
– Comet seemed to be a reluctant participant; puts in the work despite his sleepiness
– Hooper uses the BEATdown as merely a warm up for his 10am basketball game…naturally
– Strudel and Metro show the pax how to do the partner foot push back professionally; although any instructions that include not looking up your partners shorts probably means the QFailed again.
– Shredder was pretty quiet today.  Im afraid he's plotting his next workout.  Nah, he'd be evil laughing if he was doing that.  

Good fun had by all.  Lots of core work today.
Always an honor to lead